I've just moved into a house with a Glow-worm compact electronic 100e boiler and it's starting to play up. I've had a problem from the start when it took 3 or more attempts to get the lockout light to stay off and the boiler to fire up. I did this by turning the room thermometer up, switching the boiler on, if it didn't fire up I canceled the lockout by depressing the button underneath waited a few mins and tried again. Within this process it would light the gas on low but would then lock-out after about 10 secs, eventually after a few goes it would fire up and once up it seems fine until the next day when I had to go through the process again. But now the spark is not igniting the gas at all and the lock-out light comes on at every attempt. Btw the gas supply is fine, pump and fan seem to be working.
Can someone please give me a clue as to what I could easily and cheaply replace that might solve the problem before getting a boiler engineer out which is something I really cannot afford at the moment in time.
Can someone please give me a clue as to what I could easily and cheaply replace that might solve the problem before getting a boiler engineer out which is something I really cannot afford at the moment in time.
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