I have a problem with my boiler its about 5 years old. I currently have the central heating off and just running on hot water. The boiler has always cut in from time to time to pre heat some water so its avilable straight awau when you turn the tap on and works fine. The problem I have now is doing this much more often say 4 times an hour and confusingly the raditators are getting warm. I have checked I have no hot water leaks or dripping taps. I have watched the boiler run and the t code lights during the pre-heat but also the central heating pressure gauge flicks which suggests to me the heating water pump is alson running. The raditators only get slightly warm. I thought it may be gravity circulation pulling heat out of the boiler and I have closed the valves on the upstairs raqdiators only to find that the downstairs raditators are warm. Any ideas known faults? Could the pump be running? The central heating is off!