Hello all - I posted a few weeks age regarding a constant pressure drop on my Worcester Junior boiler - various things had gone wrong and within a few months : the expansion vessel was recharged the condense pipe was replaces with wider pipe - I was (before coming onto thread) advised by my plumber to have a sealant added as he did not think the pressure drop was "boiler related" and was small leak in system - I tried to locate but to no avail and eventually agrred to having sealant added approx 5 weeks ago. Since then there has still been a steady drop in pressure but plumber said to just top up every few weeks. Today I went into cupboard which houses boiler to be greeted by fllood - water was streaming from boiler although and by looks of floor had been for some time - however pressure guage showed 2 bar! A small black and red plastic bit had also come out - plumber came out and said plastic thing was relief valve (I think) he rubbed his brow and said he thought needed new valve and new expansion hose and possibly new vessel. He said he could not complete work today so drained system turned off and left. Boiler is still leaking - albeit slightly so I phoned plumber again and he said would be "residue" water left. I don't think it can be and I don't understand how with all the water that came out pressure did not drop. I'm not saying I know anything but could it be the DHW exchanger? If so could water be getting in from domestic cold? Had enough feel like stupid dippy woman and cannot afford more money on this - also freaking out with water into electrics - although boiler off. Plumber due back Weds - I can cope without heating or hot water for few days - should I turn main water off or just do as I have done and chucked bowl under? Worried did more harm than good with sealant! Any advise gratefully appreciated. Thank you