Just been installing one of these and upon wiring it up am having problems with it. It is a replacement for a Baxi Bermuda setup and we replaced the switching cables into the wiring centre on a like for like basis. The only problem seems to be that the boiler needs a permanent live which means that we have ended up with power from the original spur into the wiring centre in addition to from the boiler. Turning off the spur to the centre (second power supply now) allows the boiler to fire on demand for hot water but still it doesn't turn on for heating. 😕
It doesn't look like the standard y-plan and I'm not very confident with wiring. Has anyone a plan that works for a greenstar system boiler. Looks a little complicated to me... 😱
It doesn't look like the standard y-plan and I'm not very confident with wiring. Has anyone a plan that works for a greenstar system boiler. Looks a little complicated to me... 😱