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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
I'm interested to hear your tales of jobs you turned up at that the person or place was in a bad way.
I returned to a job to do more work ( why did I give him my card!) another time and stuffed Vicks up both my nostrils knelt down and the bathroom floor was squelching in...yes you've guessed it. The owner saw me constantly sniffing( the Vicks was burning like hell) and said have you got a cold! Yeah something like that !
Another job called out to, bloke answered the door with his breakfast down his top, pair of dirty Y fronts on lounge floor along with bags of food waste, cig butts overflowing in a fire bucket, holes in carpet where he rubbed his feet, no toilet seat and dark brown bath FULL of magazines. Said I had to go and get tools out of van. Drove off although I did feel bad.
I'm interested to hear your tales of jobs you turned up at that the person or place was in a bad way.
I returned to a job to do more work ( why did I give him my card!) another time and stuffed Vicks up both my nostrils knelt down and the bathroom floor was squelching in...yes you've guessed it. The owner saw me constantly sniffing( the Vicks was burning like hell) and said have you got a cold! Yeah something like that !
Another job called out to, bloke answered the door with his breakfast down his top, pair of dirty Y fronts on lounge floor along with bags of food waste, cig butts overflowing in a fire bucket, holes in carpet where he rubbed his feet, no toilet seat and dark brown bath FULL of magazines. Said I had to go and get tools out of van. Drove off although I did feel bad.
LMFAO @ driving off you wimp
i got sent to a boiler change and an old guy answerd the door in his long jons, when he turned around to walk back to his living room he had turds hanging in the back of the jons. as you can imagine the property was a stinker. There was a bucket of **** with turds floating in it in the bedroom.

as bad as it was the guy seemed to have nobody looking after him, i asked the company to request a visit from the councils social care service.
i got sent to a boiler change and an old guy answerd the door in his long jons, when he turned around to walk back to his living room he had turds hanging in the back of the jons. as you can imagine the property was a stinker. There was a bucket of **** with turds floating in it in the bedroom.

as bad as it was the guy seemed to have nobody looking after him, i asked the company to request a visit from the councils social care service.

tears streaming now lol.....
i got sent to a boiler change and an old guy answerd the door in his long jons, when he turned around to walk back to his living room he had turds hanging in the back of the jons. as you can imagine the property was a stinker. There was a bucket of **** with turds floating in it in the bedroom.

as bad as it was the guy seemed to have nobody looking after him, i asked the company to request a visit from the councils social care service.

Ex plumber?
I had to work I one place full of rats. Place absolutely stank and was horrific, there was rat crap over the hob and everything. Dont know how anyone could live like that. Thankfully I was only swapping the meter so not in for too long but I felt sorry for the guys who'd recently replaced the boiler as they would've been in a lot longer!

I actually felt sorry for the woman living there as it was beyond just dirty and laziness, she must have had some kind of illness and I tried reporting it to social services but as she owned her own house no one wanted to know.
Bit of topic. Did a job for an old biddy. Stood at the front door and she invited me in, I followed her through to the boiler. Well every step she took she farted, it was like listening to a ballon going down. Now if you've ever watched the original total recall when arnys got the fat women suit on and it malfunctions, that was my face.
honestly there was that many turds in there they were pulling the long jons down :(
worst i had was a house occupied by 2 junkies, front door was open,in i went,it was stinking,**** everywhere,rotting filth,disgusting but what made me crack was 3 kids under 10 in there,1 young lad came down to look in the fridge said his parents were out of it upstairs,nothing in the fridge,kid said he had not eaten for 2 days,gave him my lunch,letting agent got social services involved,been in many,stinking,**** holes,even a attempted murder scene with blood everywhere ,this one though was hard to deal with
worst i had was a house occupied by 2 junkies, front door was open,in i went,it was stinking,**** everywhere,rotting filth,disgusting but what made me crack was 3 kids under 10 in there,1 young lad came down to look in the fridge said his parents were out of it upstairs,nothing in the fridge,kid said he had not eaten for 2 days,gave him my lunch,letting agent got social services involved,been in many,stinking,**** holes,even a attempted murder scene with blood everywhere ,this one though was hard to deal with

I can deal with filth and ignorant arrogant people but then kids are being neglected I'd lose it
worst i had was a house occupied by 2 junkies, front door was open,in i went,it was stinking,**** everywhere,rotting filth,disgusting but what made me crack was 3 kids under 10 in there,1 young lad came down to look in the fridge said his parents were out of it upstairs,nothing in the fridge,kid said he had not eaten for 2 days,gave him my lunch,letting agent got social services involved,been in many,stinking,**** holes,even a attempted murder scene with blood everywhere ,this one though was hard to deal with

I hate it when kids are subjected to filth. Bad enough if adults wanna live like that but kids don't have a choice.
The ones where you don't put dust sheets down because they might get dirty from underneath.
The ones where you don't put dust sheets down because they might get dirty from underneath.

these are the one who make a claim for damages to the carpet or washing machine. Like they can see the carpet or have a washing machine.
Whilst i was a Bg apprentice, they invented and marketed a heating system called "Homewarm" only it did'nt lol, it was aimed at low income familes who really wanted central heating, long before the days of Warmfront, Eaga etc.......... it consisted of a 30,000 BTU wall mounted boiler or Baxi 401 back boiler, with a primatic cylinder, with the 3 port valve & pump on the return, so it did not blow out the air bubble on the cylinder etc, only one header tank too, room rads were usually 600x800 K1's ......long before combi's became the norm!

These systems were dreaded by the installers as a good 80% of the properties were that sticks in my mind, altough not one i was on, Biffa went to pull out the sofa, the lounge had a strange smell, he soon discovered why...... their dog had died behind the sofa and been there that long it just melted and matted into the carpet!!!!! custard "is that where it went we thought it had been run over!!"

........Same sort of job, i went to hang a radiator in a bedroom, they were lots of used lady garden towels all over the floor!!!

.......Another went to find mains stopcock under the sink, trap had been leaking so long, it had rotted out the base unit, along with old potatoes etc there were maggots everywhere!

.......One more.....just packing up after 1st day of a 2 day install, discussing moving furniture etc, when custards little un let rip on the potty in the front room, yep you guessed it on our arrival for the 2nd day the aroma was fantastic!
this is my worst, it was better in here than the rest of the house.
when they called a couple of weeks later for another job, i sent my mate and he has not spoke to me since!! Photo-0012.jpg this is the hallway toilet.........
this is my worst, it was better in here than the rest of the house.
when they called a couple of weeks later for another job, i sent my mate and he has not spoke to me since!!View attachment 13262 this is the hallway toilet.........

That picture just sucks the life out of you. So depressing.
Memories of as an apprentice working for the old fellas company whos work was 50% council house work where some of the houses smelt so badly, even from the outside, that you used to knock so quietly that they didn't hear you and report it as nobody in and hope your mate got it the next time. Worked in several houses where the depth of rubbish within the whole house was up to the level of the sofa cushions with a small 12" track from one room to another. Trouble was, these were the first people to offer you cups of tea etc !
I used to work in the grubby places when I was on price work. As a company man now on an hourly rate I just refuse them. The trouble is the smell gets into your clothes which you then spread to the van and your own home.
Horrible when there your first job, you smell of it all day. And the your customers may smell it later in the day.
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