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How many people are thinking of doing renewables this year

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
As the title says what are your thoughts this question is for every one or are you already doing them
Theirs to many builders doing plumbing work now along with the public doing all thier own small works. Concern i have is do you need a plumbing qaulification to do ground source or solar? ( couldnt be bothered to read all threads so apologise if been mentioned already).If you dont then again anyone can do these courses leaving us high n dry.
I think we're just a bit frustrated that the regulation we all signed up to in good faith hasn't been enforced. These bodies have taken our money and all they've given us is various plastic cards.

If they clamped down on the building regs, gas regs and water regs it would weed out 99.9% of cowboys. As it is no-one gives a monkeys.
I lost a full refurb job once because I insisted on putting check valves on the supplies to the bidet, outside tap and washing machine and I wouldn't notch a joist to accommodate a 50mm waste. That's not counting the jobs i've lost because I wouldn't site a boiler where the terminal clearance was insufficient.

I'm sick to the back teeth of playing by the rules.
Ialso have no qualifications in heatpumps, and I am still not MCS accredited, I have no QMS and I am not paying REAL £200 a year, However I am installing MCS accredited heat pumps and signning them off on to the MCS register, therefore I am living proof that the MCS is not fit for purpose No I am not a cowboy, but because of the insistance of this rediculous idea that renewables should be a seperate industry I am going to fight this the only way I know by refusing to join it and carry on the way I have been, there fore in the eyes of the governing bodies I must be a cowboy, Yeehaw!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to say that I am dissapointed that more people are not up in arms about the above statement. Yes all of the above is true and what Fuzzy has been saying is quite right the need for trainning is essential, asI have said before I am inspecting MCS accredited engineers work and some of the fundamental mistakes that I am finding made by experianced heating engineers does cause dismay, Also the fact that the bodies that are regulating the the MCS are more concerend that you follow the paperwork side of an installation than the actual problems of a heatpump installaion or the system or property that the heatpump is installed onto.
Theirs to many builders doing plumbing work now along with the public doing all thier own small works. Concern i have is do you need a plumbing qaulification to do ground source or solar? ( couldnt be bothered to read all threads so apologise if been mentioned already).If you dont then again anyone can do these courses leaving us high n dry.

yes you have to be a plumber
The RHPP grant has been announced today and runs from Aug 1st to March next year, so unless a small business is already accredited, there is not likely to be enough time to get accredited, do an installation and get the claim in before the cut off date.

Plenty of time, of course, for the big boys to pretty much charge what they want, because there are virtually no small businesses to give them any competition.
its a sad state of affairs really, because the customers are only going to pay huge prices and will take them even longer to make their money back
its a sad state of affairs really, because the customers are only going to pay huge prices and will take them even longer to make their money back
Yes, back in boiler scrappage days, the utilities were on average one third more expensive than independents and in some parts of the country 60% more expensive.
Yes, back in boiler scrappage days, the utilities were on average one third more expensive than independents and in some parts of the country 60% more expensive.

That'll make it even more difficult for anyone to justify the extra costs involved in installing renewables, even with the financial incentives. The market may never get going.
[Ialso have no qualifications in heatpumps, and I am still not MCS accredited, I have no QMS and I am not paying REAL £200 a year, However I am installing MCS accredited heat pumps and signning them off on to the MCS register, therefore I am living proof that the MCS is not fit for purpose No I am not a cowboy, but because of the insistance of this rediculous idea that renewables should be a seperate industry I am going to fight this the only way I know by refusing to join it and carry on the way I have been, there fore in the eyes of the governing bodies I must be a cowboy, Yeehaw!!!!!!!!!!!/QUOTE]

correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I'm aware the customer does not get the feed back tarriff if you are not mcs registered
[Ialso have no qualifications in heatpumps, and I am still not MCS accredited, I have no QMS and I am not paying REAL £200 a year, However I am installing MCS accredited heat pumps and signning them off on to the MCS register, therefore I am living proof that the MCS is not fit for purpose No I am not a cowboy, but because of the insistance of this rediculous idea that renewables should be a seperate industry I am going to fight this the only way I know by refusing to join it and carry on the way I have been, there fore in the eyes of the governing bodies I must be a cowboy, Yeehaw!!!!!!!!!!!/QUOTE]

correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I'm aware the customer does not get the feed back tarriff if you are not mcs registered

The "Feed In Tariff" is for Solar PV, The RHPP announced today is for heat pumps,solar thermal and biomass etc. There has been no statement on what the RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive" payments will be for Domestic customers when it kicks off in 2012 either way its not going to make any difference as who is going to spend money on a technology that you don't know what you may get back for adopting early. So much for market stimulation!.... another good idea totally wrecked by Bureaucratic idiots you wouldn't know a "renewable technology" if it bit them on the backside.
How do you define a plumber or is it just some who can do the job with insurance ?

someone who i qualified to at least nvq2 standard, there is often a get out clause though were they say, or somebody with extensive experience following professional discusion. ie "can you do it or what?" and "do you have the money?"
someone who i qualified to at least nvq2 standard, there is often a get out clause though were they say, or somebody with extensive experience following professional discusion. ie "can you do it or what?" and "do you have the money?"

I think you're on the money there Fuzzy lol
You only have to read the installer magazine to see which way things are going. The increase in renewable technologies by major manufacturers is proof which way things are and need to go. We started doing solar thermal about 4 years ago and whilst it was a struggle at the beginning things are definitely improving now. We still need to hear what the DECC are going to say about the renewable heat incentive (RHI) which was due to be annonced this month. When it is we hope that there will be the explosion in enquiries and business that solar photovoltaics has experienced. We do both and have experienced business growth in both areas. I would strongly urge anyone, not in our area (Surrey) to get on the band wagon and get MCS approval and reap the rewards.
[Ialso have no qualifications in heatpumps, and I am still not MCS accredited, I have no QMS and I am not paying REAL £200 a year, However I am installing MCS accredited heat pumps and signning them off on to the MCS register, therefore I am living proof that the MCS is not fit for purpose No I am not a cowboy, but because of the insistance of this rediculous idea that renewables should be a seperate industry I am going to fight this the only way I know by refusing to join it and carry on the way I have been, there fore in the eyes of the governing bodies I must be a cowboy, Yeehaw!!!!!!!!!!!/QUOTE]

correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I'm aware the customer does not get the feed back tarriff if you are not mcs registered

you are absolutely correct. I am not MCS accredited and my customers will get the renewable heat incentive, technically because I am not MCS accredited I am not supposed to be able to do sign offs but I regularly do and log them into the MCS database, you seem to forget that the Government are behind all this and their incompitance knows no bounds, why do you think there is a campaign to alter the MCS its because the government couldnt organise a p..............................
in a brewery
No I am not telling anyone that at all, but before you join anything I would assume that you would do your research before spending the sort of money that is expected, If you want to learn more look at the renewable energy section
its a direction i'm looking to go in, but just finding the time to get on a course!
It can be done, Mark - it just costs loads and takes a lot of your time! It shouldn't, of course, and I'm working to make the whole MCS stuff more simple for small businesses so that it doesn't!
So Should BG be allowed to be MCS accredited then
The deeper I delve into the whole MCS thing, the more worried I get - right now, Mike, your guess is as good as mine :thinking:

I'm still working flat out on getting accreditation made simpler and fairer for small business, but it ain't going to be easy! We'll get there, though! :)
Aparantly Simon at easyMCS has copied me on some emails they have sent you but I still aint recieved em, Also I have been really busy the last week doing sign offs and inspections, I have been trying to think of ways that we can step up the campaign, so I will I am going to contact my local MP through past experiance I have found this to be a complete waste of time, but this time I reckon he will end up with bleeding ears from the verbals I will be giving him
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