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Julian Assange: Saint or Sinner?

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As most people will know, Julian Assange is currently seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy because he believes that if taken to Sweden re enquiries on an allegation of sexual offences he will be extradited to the USA to suffer for the sins of shaking the US establishment at its very roots by whistle blowing in the way that he has become famous for.

This week the British Government have talked of storming the Embassy and removing him by force, which caused me to do a double-take on the details, only to find that 'yes', we are talking about an Embassy in London, and 'yes' it was the British Government and not some far off Right Wing dictatorship that was making the threats.

I've just listened to a repeat of this weeks edition of Any Questions on BBC Radio 4, and I was quite shocked by the biased and bigoted line taken by the panel, being a hand-picked bunch of middle-class members of the establishment, no doubt selected by the BBC for their "intellectual" and "impartial views" - clearly not!

The first thing to be mentioned was that, apparently, it is costing £50.000 per day to put a police guard on the Embassy. For the purpose of clarity and to avoid any confusion, that is: fifty thousand pounds per day!!!

So my first thought was: how the .... can it cost £50K per day to put a police guard on a few doors?

This statement, be it true or false, gave impetus to the criticism of Assange right from the start of the discussion for: "costing the British tax-payer £50k per day". No one questioned the figure, but then as the esteemed panel were clearly out to down Assange as much as they could, perhaps that's not surprising.

Assange was called an "idiot", and generally discredited and insulted by the panel. The term: "facing charges" was used a number of times, when in fact, he hasn't been charged with anything as yet.

No mention was made of the fact that he has agreed to be interviewed by the Swedish police re these matters at the Embassy, and no mention was made of the fact that he has said he will go to Sweden if they will give an assurance that he won't be extradited to the USA afterwards.

In the BBC 4 program of Any Answers that followed, two of the people phoning in pointed out that no mention of Assange's offers of co-operation had been made during the program. These offers to co-operate have previously been made public by various independent News channels over the past few days.

The response of the BBC presenter of Any Answers was to say: "well why should the authorities agree to Assanges' offers to co-operate!"

She also referred to the difference between someone seeking political asylum, and someone avoiding criminal charges, which is at best an assumption of guilt, and at worst a libelous statement.

Personally, I hope Assange runs every word of the program past his lawyers.

If anyone has any thoughts that Assange might be somewhat paranoid over this matter, then I suggest listening to this program - it's available to play again on the BBC's website.

Julian Assange has seriously rocked the boat of the establishment, and boy, oh boy, are they out to get him!
That plane wont make it to sweden and if it does the americans will have a squad of suits in Black SUVs waiting to pick him up. This reminds me of the film enemy of the state. At best this man will find himself in a high security unit in the states, but i have a feeling this man will just dissapear in an 'accident'

I try to take media coverage and papers with a pinch of salt but ive seen many reports of criminals being able to reside in this country and avoid extradition because of their "human rights" (weather or not theres truth in it is a different matter, papers report to sell what ever they can to whoever will eat it up) but i guess they have the luxury of not having the american government pulling you aside to have a quiet word if you know where im coming from.
Funny how Abu Hansa or what ever his name is manages to walk around freely. And it's funny how these accusations handily apeared right on cue. Truth is we,ll never know, and only get fed what they want us to hear.
Funny how Abu Hansa or what ever his name is manages to walk around freely. And it's funny how these accusations handily apeared right on cue. Truth is we,ll never know, and only get fed what they want us to hear.

I dare say you're right there - Assange is a threat to the mushroom model, but if they get him, it's more of the same for the general public.

Seems to me that the Swedish police should be progressing their enquiries in any way that they can, and this: "you must come to us business" stinks! He's available for interview, so why aren't they investigating the allegations?
Whats in it for Ecuador anyway? Why are they working so hard to devise a scheme to get him out?

Is it so bad to storm the embassy? It is OUR soil anyway contrary to popular belief.

Is it so bad to storm the embassy? It is OUR soil anyway contrary to popular belief.

That would be a bad move and is one that was made without thought.
If they did that it would open the doors for any other country in the world to walk into our Embassies whenever it suited them and they know it. It won't happen.
I have to be honest one aspect of the police response to this situation made me laugh. When asked about the possibility of Assange being smuggled out in a large post bag.....

"We're going to poke each bag with a sharp stick. We will arrest any that say ouch."
I have to be honest one aspect of the police response to this situation made me laugh. When asked about the possibility of Assange being smuggled out in a large post bag.....

"We're going to poke each bag with a sharp stick. We will arrest any that say ouch."

How many coppers does it take to poke someone with a stick?

Answers please on a postcard to Theresa May, c/o: the Mad House, Westminster.
In a last ditch attempt to avoid extradition, Julian Assange has sought refuge in the Celebrity Big Brother house and will now live under the protection of Coleen Nolan, Martin Kemp and Julie Goodyear. The founder of Wikileaks is already fitting in well, carefully listening in to the conversations of fellow housemates before immediately running off to The Diary Room to reveal all of their most intimate secrets.
‘The people have the right to know everything,’ said Assange, ‘and I have some pretty amazing revelations about Julie Goodyear’s involvement in starting the Iraq War, how Julian Clary isn’t even gay and how Samantha Brick is part of an elaborate CIA plot to upset everyone on Twitter.’
The decision has wrong-footed the British government because under international law the Celebrity Big Brother house is protected by ‘undiplomatic immunity’ and cannot be entered by anyone other than a publicity-seeking egotist trying to revive their flagging career.
‘Obviously we are watching the situation very carefully,’ said Foreign Secretary William Hague, ‘which, to be honest, is pretty tedious viewing.’
‘Personally I would love to send in the SAS to shoot the lot of them, but we must be patient and rely on the rule of law. I have every faith that the British people will use their votes to evict Mr Assange, but only after they have removed that horrendous Brick woman first.’
Mr Hague refused to rule out using an obscure piece of UK legislation that allows the status of ‘special constable’ to be conferred upon Wolf from Gladiators. Wolf would then be free to enter the house, jump around a bit and drag Mr Assange out by his hair.
Human rights lawyers are perplexed by the latest move. ‘Mr Assange is naturally concerned about being sent to the USA where he may face the death penalty,’ explained Geoffrey Robertson QC. ‘But that may not seem such a bad option compared to spending the rest of one’s life locked up with a bunch of vacuous Z-list celebrities endlessly degrading themselves. Still, Julian insists that nobody was forced into doing it and that the whole thing is consensual.’
Pretty busy MM, i just found this and it made Oi larf!

Last job was a clinker! "My boiler don't work!"

"You've got no oil."

"You sure? I can see some in that globe there."

"Yeah, there's a wee drop of oil there in the tiger loop........ And a fekkin shed load of air you eejit!"

"Oh...... I'll order some then...."
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