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room stat

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What is the crack with these on a boiler upgrade ?? As far as i am aware any upgrade with a boiler is to include a room stat as part of upgrade if property doesn't alrerady have one. I have priced a upgrade today where there is no stat present and the customer does not want one included in the upgrade.Told them the benefits and still not interested . If i get this job can i fit boiler without room stat and not get picked up by gas safe for a control missing???
Must have room stat to provide boiler interlock when doing boiler upgrade. Part L regulations stipulate this as you already know.
I know its a reg but first time i have priced a job where the owner is adament where they dont want one .As per usual these days bought boiler ,flue and mechanical clock off the internet but is adament that no stat is to be fitted quite unreal to be honest .
When we had our GS inspection, we questioned our GS Inspector about this and he said its "best practice" but not always necessary!

We were gobsmacked about that, as a part of the Part L regs, so if we come across this problem when we do a job/installation we always have somewhere on the worksheet stating that the customer doesnt want one and get the cust to sign it!!
When filling out benchmark or other paperwork just write "customer advised but declined".

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!
I'd get the customer to sign that "Customer advised but declined" note which then clearly puts the blame at the customer's door. Might be worth pointing out that when it comes to selling the house that a buyer (or solicitor) might steer clear or ask for more money off the price as the paperwork is not in order. They're getting much more picky at these things nowdays.
As DIY above has said, solicitors during house sales are getting cute on this issue. Ive done a boiler upgrade before where it needed a y plan really rather than the existing c plan part 1 pipe system, the customers were old folk and didnt want the up heavel so who was I to argue.
As above,make a note of it on the paperwork. Why don't they want it?Is it a cost issue?

Just out of interest what boiler have they bought?
They have bought a worcester gs 28i off the net with flue and mech time clock.Now they have it the supplier wont accept it back lol .The funny thing about pricing this job as they have had other quotes and are aware that the gas is undersized from what other plumbers have pointed out but no one mentioned the room stat was needed.
I think its because they bought the mech time clock and did not realise a room stat was needed to go with it ,it will have to be a wired stat for that time clock and they are not happy about a wire going through house or extra cost.Just another DIY'er trying to plumb through the net again .
They have bought a worcester gs 28i off the net with flue and mech time clock.Now they have it the supplier wont accept it back lol .The funny thing about pricing this job as they have had other quotes and are aware that the gas is undersized from what other plumbers have pointed out but no one mentioned the room stat was needed.
I think its because they bought the mech time clock and did not realise a room stat was needed to go with it ,it will have to be a wired stat for that time clock and they are not happy about a wire going through house or extra cost.Just another DIY'er trying to plumb through the net again .
you dont have to have wired ,get an rf one ,simple !
Talk them into getting a cheap salus or siemens wireless Easily wired from Ls,Ns and Lr on block with receiver next to boiler.
as said before the siemens or salaus radio frequency stats can be wired in to all makes of boilers (well everyone i have done anyway) they are actuaully wired into the reciever then the stat itself doesnt need wired at all.
siemens rf stat is around £50 from a number of different places including plumbcentre
The Honey well ones are compatible with most stuff, and of course WB make their own generic RF one. Very easy to fit, however if the customer won't pay for it, despite your advice, make a note of it. Get themm to sign it, and don't bother.

Thats what I've been lead to believe is the done thing....had just this happen to me not that long ago.
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