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Whats the best Blow Torch to get?

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I'm thinking of the Rothenberger Super Fire 2...I know these are great and have used one. But does anyone have any other recommended ones that they think I should compare against.

I mainly solder 15mm and 22mm.:)
Ive got a Superfire 2, Igniter/sparker has pack up, flame pulses, occansionly go out when soldering upside down, and imo-overpriced, are there any others to choose from?
SF2 for me too. And a spare camping gas thing in the van just in case - doubt I'll ever use it though.
Bullfinch Firepower. A lot more controllable than the Rothenberger IMO and a lot more reliable when using upside down. Started with a Rothenberger then moved to the Bullfinch.
My Super Fire 2 is brill. I'm on number 2, but the old one just needed a service. I think they're perfect.

Never tried a Bullfinch.
Rothenberger super fire 2 with mapp gas its brilliant. Yes over priced!
Mapp is hotter.... some times on 22mm pipe mainly you can burn the flux by over heating then you have to clean the fittings and start again.

Say if your on a 22mm tee and you have managed to solder 2 but the 3rd turns into a right mess because the flux has burnt you have to un-solder the other two.

Theres not alot of difference in the price so well worth a punt!
I used the SPF2 at college for 2 years and now have a bullfinch, much better, supprised well try onew for your self you wont regret it.
I have a SF2 - I love it - would not use anything else. I have never had any problems with it.
You are better keeping the mapp gas in the van until you need to boil a bit water out. Propane is hot enough.
You are better keeping the mapp gas in the van until you need to boil a bit water out. Propane is hot enough.

Iv struggled once or twice. I use to propane until I saw how quick a neat mapp gas allows you to be.
Too much trouble with it burning the flux it is not worth it for me. Everyone to their own tho.
MAPP is like anything else - you just need experience to get the technique. You can also reduce the flame by turning down the valve if needed. I have even soldered fittings with my grandad's old Sievert paraffin pump-up blowtorch years ago and got quite slick at using that back then.
About September last year we had been talking about the old paraffin torches. On the Saturday night while full of the sauce i looked up ebay and put a tenner bid on everyone i saw.
I won 14 of them:p a couple still boxed and pickers included prices from about £3.50 to a tenner. Still, they are worth more in scrap than what i paid!
Just had to run out and buy 5 gallon of paraffin to play with them. The kids loved them as they didn't even know what paraffin was, especially when i made them go like a flame thrower with a 6ft flame.:)
Got them all polished up now. Looking the dogs.
Wanna buy a blowlamp
The bottom right one is petrol the rest are paraffin.
They work fine on waste kerosene. My gandad's is still useful when I come to soft soldering tin sheet as the Superfire is a bit savage and the flame is too small.

Grandad used to have a monster paraffin blowtorch made by Monitor. THe flame was 2" in diameter and it held 4 pints of fuel. Sold it on Ebay ages ago and someone paid me £80 for it.

They are worth more to collectors if they still have the original paint finish.
ive had 2 rotherberger superfire and i dont rate them, infact rotherberger in general seem to be crap. ive had loads of wood bits and they last a couple of holes.....useless.
the one tool i do like of rothenberger is the grips! but sadly thats it.
but i recommend turbotorch which are sold in plumbwhares.
ive always used the turbo torch extreme, cheap plastic head but the neck can swivel and if you shop around can be found fair priced.
i use the extreme turbo torch used to have a superfire2, turbo torch is superior and quicker cost is around £60 inc vat
gotta be Superfire 2 for me, probably the only Rothenberger tool worth buying!
I,m looking at the bullfinch firepower autotorch does it use the same cylinders as the rothenburger, I have a superfire two but the bullfinch is only 34pds so I thought I would get a spare.
Bullfinch/Turbotorch/Benzomatic/Rothenberger cylinders are interchangeable (I suspect they are all made by the same company and the others just put their own labels on.)

Some torches can run on the refillable Primus type cartridges and I think you can get an adapter for them - check with manufacturers websites.
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