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£25 for llgsc, 2 appliances

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Mate approached a letting agent and wanted extra work and said the immortal line "I will better any price that your currently paying..."

The answer is in the title, his jaw dropped, I phone in free fall, weak at the knees and a dicky tummy followed

the back story to this is the guy who's doing the above price owns a fast track gas training centre and turns up mob handed with his trainees to do each llgsc

double bubble for some....
Be amusing when u find 1000 defects. So is he registered business with insurances then? Our training place pays to do work that needs to be signed off!
He didn't get that far mate. I haven't been in the industry long enough to compare what it was like 20 years ago but it just seems that now it's popular and can be a fast track career to easy riches!
When I worked for the council, a few years ago now, it was 10 pound per property. Some had back boilers and a couple of other appliances. That was the standard rate across most firms using subcontractors. Many letting agents around here want Landlord certs for about 30 quid.....and they DON'T like defects !!
I know a few lads that have lost work through letting agents because they were identifying defects, can't have that as it costs their landlords/customers money. Next rgi please...
One guy lost the contract only to get it back after 2 months as the cheaper firm were id too many boilers and quoting for new ones.
Many ways to skin a cat...!
A girl at a letting agency I used to do a bit of work for was a nightmare always complaining at me for finding faults but always asked for me to go to breakdowns,

she left that letting agency and went on to another we got asked to start doing the llgsc for them so I got sent out on the first few 2x AR and 1x ID out of 5 she soon stopped us doing them, but she thought she could still use us for breakdowns, when I went and AR a boiler I was repairing she tried to tell me that I couldn't do that as she had a valid llgsc and that I was wrong.

I told her I am the last person to touch the appliance I have to carry out checks if it fails it fails.

They stopped using us all together shortly afterwards lol.
Shame. Best way they what you to bend over. If you bend over smile as your doing it.
makes me laugh how they try and sell themselves, 'do this really cheap for us and we've got plenty more work for you.' great so you offering me a rubbish deal with the insentive that there will be lots more rubbish poorly paid jobs after
and if youre not sold on the idea see how long our payment terms are

i cant understand how they get anyone to work for them, a landlords should cost £90 each going up to £110 in winter, anything less and youre robbing yourself
Another reason I've made the transition away from domestic and being self destroyed. There was a full scale punch up in plumb centre about a month ago. One bloke had an agency at £60 a go he lost it to someone doing it for £45 who then lost it to someone doing it for £30. One day all 3 blokes were in at the same time £45 started shouting at £30 calling him all the names under the sun at which point £60 burst out laughing pointing out that he wasn't exactly in a position to be claiming moral high ground. 20 minutes of hilarity ensued...
I don't bother with letting agents, it's waste of time. I get the usual phone calls, which all tend to end the same way. They seem flabbergasted that your just not interested.
Just like ermi said maybe some guys like getting bent over and have a grin ear to ear. If you keep on cutting corners so you make everyone else richer landlords/letting agents. The guy with with the funny wig gives you a free stay in the big house and get to meet big bubba who likes fresh meat

sorry just rambling, again
The way I see it is that some boiler services are 30 minutes, some are 1.5 hours so £50 plus vat is fair! If it needs a full strip down then new seals will be needed so it's a fault and treated as extra work!!
It is a way to have a chat with customer, sort out those niggling issues and make sure that they understand their boiler so more work comes from it!!
Can't see any other way around it!! If you charge £90 u will be sat at home a lot!! Charge £30 and you will feel ripped off!!
But then again £30 for 6 services a day = 180 a day!!
Sticker on boiler and you will get friends of friends calling you!!
plus letting agents work!!
plus recommended to landlords!!

all good if you are ok for cash flow, have a good personality and not greedy!!
One of the guys at my local training centre is only qualed to do gas in the centre, £25 is a joke and theyre spoiling it for the rest of us , and no way on earth will it be full check , be done that quick that they wont pay attention to detail, ( especially trainees )
Think it would take him longer as trainees arent qualified to do work so the teacher would have to keep an eye on each test to make sure was being carried out properly,
The way I see it is that some boiler services are 30 minutes, some are 1.5 hours so £50 plus vat is fair! If it needs a full strip down then new seals will be needed so it's a fault and treated as extra work!!
It is a way to have a chat with customer, sort out those niggling issues and make sure that they understand their boiler so more work comes from it!!
Can't see any other way around it!! If you charge £90 u will be sat at home a lot!! Charge £30 and you will feel ripped off!!
But then again £30 for 6 services a day = 180 a day!!
Sticker on boiler and you will get friends of friends calling you!!
plus letting agents work!!
plus recommended to landlords!!

all good if you are ok for cash flow, have a good personality and not greedy!!

im sorry jase I just don't agree with 6 services a day at £30 quid a pop means you have earns £180

im no accountant but breaking it down

£30 start
£6 tax (I know you can reduce this with materials etc to reduce burden)
£?? Fuel
£ costs of running van, equipment
£ pli
£ travelling time between jobs
£ consumables

just to name a few cost which we are all aware of..

how much is in your pocket at the end. Nothing's for free and I expect all agents and landlords get a discount if the volume of works there.
i know for a fact that the savings your giving the agent they are not passing on to the customer as that's there slice of the pie you charge £30, agents most probably charge double

i don't mind a bit of healthy competition, just don't like it when we as a tradesman are slitting each other's throats for work mate
When I used to do housing association they had a company called gas contract service carry out random spot checks. They were part of a training centre former engineers turned examiners turned self appointed inspectors. They would pick up on anything from 1 screw at high level not in a flue to entering the fault list on boilers to make sure there had been a lockout. Now if it was compulsory for every letting agent with over 100 let properties to have 2% of their lets inspected at random you can guarantee prices would start to rise and people would be spending time actually checking appliances
One of the guys at my local training centre is only qualed to do gas in the centre, £25 is a joke and theyre spoiling it for the rest of us , and no way on earth will it be full check , be done that quick that they wont pay attention to detail, ( especially trainees )
Think it would take him longer as trainees arent qualified to do work so the teacher would have to keep an eye on each test to make sure was being carried out properly,

The guys raking it in kris, he's getting paid for the cert which will most probably take hopefully longer as he's got trainees to watch and the trainees are paying for privilege of getting signed off

maybe I'm just a green eyed monster lol, I'm going to drink a hobgoblin now that will make me feel better
I got asked on Friday if I do Gas Certs and said NO, he asked how much and I said £60 for one appliance, £70 x2 £80x3 etc etc, he was a bit shocked then said, can you do a few backdated ones for us....!!!
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