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Cert/level 2 C & G exams. Help!!??

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I recently sat 2 assessments/exams on Principles and Sanitation. I failed.. I had a re-sit and have passed 1 so far. I revised so much. On both exams I had questions on things we haven't covered. Our tutors were aware of this (they had heard from other Colleges in the uk that this years computer based exam was asking level 3 questions!) . I'm really annoyed, I know the college is putting in a complaint, but am interested in others that are currently sitting the C&G's level 2. I have processes this week and wondering if it's going to be the same.
Have you the jtl book on level 2 ? you can also get all the questions you are going to get online somewhere..for your gola exam .
YES!! processes is the same m8, i had it the other week along with principles, i currently revisng and learning about abg and bg saniation along with cold water,good luck wih your exams,let me know how you get on wth processes as i have have to re sit that one again, so thats 3 xams i gotta revise,not as easy as some peeps think this course lol........
Yes, have the JTL level 2 book, The JTL revision book, The learnatrade disk with questions. It just wasn't enough. I had 5 questions in principles on stuff that hadn't either been covered or not in the books. So much so, once I completed the test, I quickly noted the the 5 questions, then handed them over to the Tutor.

oh blinkin eck Ste b, I thought the worst was over!. So did you have many questions that are considered Level 3 In processes?
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Re: 6129 exams a olci

im the same man!! stuff in em that ain even in the units, stuff iv never heard of! we were told o write dow any qustions we think havent been covered and our tutor will query em with city and guilds. so far passed myfirst 4 exams. got central heating th morn tho!

good luck.

think we l need it heh heh
yahh passed my processes. There was a PAT question and a CORGI question in it. Very naughty! Definately level 3 stuff.
Having the same problem with level 3, eg doing advanced sanitation and were getting questions on planning and advanced central heating. I thought the course was surposed to be modular!
I have no problem with tests being on computer, but lets keep the questions on subject! C&G have realy f**ked up, the questions are all over the place.
First gas exam next week, not holding out much hope they will proberly ask questions on nucular physics!!!
this is a nitemare city & guilds changin all the god dam questions! i to am havin the same problem! learnin in class, readin the jtl book & doin questions on learnatrade then gettin in the exam room on computer & findin question that we aint even covered! i did principles exam & it had abt 4 electrical questions from almost the back of the jtl book!! wats that all abt!! not givin us a fair chance realy is it..
i dont no whether u guys no or not but city & guilds av got a site with 20 practice questions from each module on the new question? its on, you will need ur college center number & password & ur enrollin number & password..
gud luck chaps...

SANITARY and COLD WATER two exams in one night not recomended, but i did manage to get through them, all i can say read the questions 3 times before you answer them....
i've had a problem with pretty much all the exams i've sat this year i passed my health and safety and common proccesses i had to retake sanitation (which i passed second time round) i'm now waiting for the 2nd retake of cold water and i'm also waiting to retake lead.. i'm finding that most of the questions that come up in the exams i haven't been taught and there isn't an explination for them in either the jtl book the jtl revision guide or the r.treylor book also the learn a trade disc is usless.... my tutors found out about the smart screen website and they offer work sheets and practise exam questions which help abit and some of the questions come up in the exam but it don't get you a pass so now i'm really stuck i'm once again about to buy another expencive book and spend another day revising just to fail again can anyone tell me if they are getting anywhere with sorting these exams out
yes there gettin somewhere! its a place called nowhere!!! city & guilds have screwed up bigtime & if there not careful there will be no students left! there droppin off out of our classroom at the rate of knots!! if there lookin at this forum they shud be takin NOTICE!! sort this **** out city & guilds!!! the jtl book is becomin a waste of time unless u read it all the way thro cus it seems to me these exam questions are now a bit of all of the book! the modules definatenly aint followin thats 4 sure!! i did processes & got 2 gas questions 3 water regs question! no questions on tools, x dimensions, pipework etc! i;d have had more chance takin an airline pilots exam!!!!
god dam joke!!!!!!!
Yeah i agree mate i have posted about assesments etc, and i to do feel the exams and what i am learning dont match up, bad communication in my eyes, there is 13 from 22 left in our class,not sure about other 2 eve classes, but everyone a little confused after exams every time lol,hey good luck anyway m8.........
It might be that the provider you are with is not correctly stating what will be covered in the exams?
Have you tried ringing City & Guilds (020 7294 2800) to see if they know what's going on?
They are normally quite helpful when i ring to ask something.
nop, we and the colleges are going no where with this years exams. Our college have decided to change the way they teach, (at the last minute), as in covering as much as possible and linking the topics as much as possible. Crossing them over and covering more than they used to for this level. What we have noticed though is the more times you take a re-sit, the harder the questions. My mate on the course is convinced she will empty the bank of questions, just to help the college out! Next re-sit for me is sanitation, all those lovely pictures of thingiemebobs that we have never seen before!

thanks for the number, will definately be calling tomorrow! anyone else on here gonna give them a tinkle. !!!!
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I have read these posts with interest and I feel for everyone taking these exams because they are not as easy as we are all lead to believe. I am on a 10 week course and have recently just completed the GOLA exam. As a group (23 I think), only 1 person did not make it. Everyone had different questions (computer based) and we all studied from the JTL book. The exam was not easy and we all have trouble with the terminology. My advice (for what its worth) is if your not sure about a term in the question just ask.

The vast majority of us all passed the modules as well, again most problems we encountered were to do with terminology and understanding poorly worded questions. Again, my only advice would be if your not sure what something means just ask.

I think that the answers are in the JTL book but C & G word the questions really badly.

I hope this helps a little and good luck.
Great to all this feedback, i sat my processess re sit today and passed, gona post in other section about assessments, good luck everyone
hi there

just finished my S&G 6129 Successfull at ABLE SKILLS.
well,WE were advised and well told everything down there allmost every one PAST it ,but get your self some other books and reed it.;
PLUMBING by R.D.Trelor

the plumnbing by JTL i founed not enough for thr course.GOOD LUCK with the exams .

p.s my tutor JIM used to say R.T.F.Q.(reed the fu**ng quesstion)thing and then answer.:):):)
Well done stan da man, also look for muscroft plumbing books they are good too,lots better than jtl.......i reckon thats were peeps are going wrong a lot of time with failing exams,i agree there are questions there which have not been covered, but in reality there is 70% or more there that we have covered and if you revise and as stan da man says, read the question properly and you be reet......laters
Could anyone give me there smartscreen info?, just so i can practise the questions on there.
Hi hows everyone doing,enviroment,central heating, working relationships then the GOLA, then thats me done and dusted,oh and gotta fit a bathroom suite for assessment, thats 3 weeks away so plenty time,i have got a lot of notes on my pc from this course including the JTL level 2 book,so if anyone wants copies i am sure we can come to some aggreement,if i can send via e mail its all free to anyone who is planning to do there level 2 course in plumbing...........hope everyone well,speak soon people..........
On a practical note, if any of you can remember any questions that were not on your learnatrade disc, DO contact them, as Norm will be very keen to update the software, but be accurate about what you were asked. I used learnatrade and spent many hours using it. It really was invaluable.
sign up to i am finding that the plumbing practise questions are also coming up in the exams which really helps alot get on it guys
the problem with the learn a trade cd is that the questions are not in the online exams you take. The learnatrade cd was baed on the old written exams where the questions were the same so you could memorise the questions/answers.

Best advice is to look in your JTL book and ask your tutor. I did my exams in june and am now out and about on my own and booked up till december. The work is out there, all depends how you go about getting it.

Dont rely on the learnatrade cd to get you through, it helps dont get me wrong, but needs updating to be current with the C&G online exams

fair enough cheers andy b. im just always on the lookout for anything extra that might help. good luck earning your christmas beer money

Have a look at smartscreen if you can, i seem to remember that although it was only 20 questions and they never changed on there, the smartscreen questions are exactly the same format as you get in your online exam.

If your lucky you'll get one or two (maybe more) of these smartscreen questions in your online exam - everything helps.

The JTL book was good, think though my classroom notes helped as well as the instructor made a point of letting us kow that 'this specific area will come up in the exam'

Revise and im sure you'll be fine

Any other help you need just ask away

I have read these posts with interest and I feel for everyone taking these exams because they are not as easy as we are all lead to believe. I am on a 10 week course and have recently just completed the GOLA exam. As a group (23 I think), only 1 person did not make it. Everyone had different questions (computer based) and we all studied from the JTL book. The exam was not easy and we all have trouble with the terminology. My advice (for what its worth) is if your not sure about a term in the question just ask.

The vast majority of us all passed the modules as well, again most problems we encountered were to do with terminology and understanding poorly worded questions. Again, my only advice would be if your not sure what something means just ask.

I think that the answers are in the JTL book but C & G word the questions really badly.

I hope this helps a little and good luck.

Sorry pal, but with a reply like that, you are obviously related to C&G or a lecturer/teacher in one form or another!
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Hi, you may have found the right book for you by now but the one I found the best was Plumbing R.D. Treloar this book covers NVQ/SVQ levels 2 & 3 by Blackwell Publishing more info and not so many pictures. Good luck with your exams.
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Having the same problem with level 3, eg doing advanced sanitation and were getting questions on planning and advanced central heating. I thought the course was surposed to be modular!
I have no problem with tests being on computer, but lets keep the questions on subject! C&G have realy f**ked up, the questions are all over the place.
First gas exam next week, not holding out much hope they will proberly ask questions on nucular physics!!!

Are re the exams open book?
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