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There are times when I wonder

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Mike Jackson

if I'm right in the head.

Getting ready to go out to agility training and I discovered the loo was blocked. As I was in a rush I nipped outside and lifted the cover still in my slippers. Chamber was clear but there was a big plug of paper blocking the inlet from the soil stack. Slipped on a pair of black mamba gloves and, whilst spraying the hose down the chamber started to try and break up the plug with a drain rod. It was having none of it so, in a rush to get out, I grabbed a garden trowel and had a poke with that. That did the trick, I managed to break a bit off which harmlessly washed away followed by a rumble as the rest of the plug shifted. I leapt back, leaving my slippers behind as a 4ft fountain of Shiite erupted from the chamber. As the deluge subsided I was stood in my stockinged feet covered from head to foot in said shiite. The once clear chamber was now blocked and my slippers sat on the ground full of more shiite.

First issue was to clean myself up a bit so I hosed myself down (thank the lord for external hot taps). Next I looked at my very sorry slippers and decided that no way was I ever putting those back on my feet so in the bin they went. I then stood outside, sopping wet and rodded the drain. This was quite easy but I then had to hose down the shiite and paper that had spread itself across the back yard and followed it up by giving it a good wash down with bleach.

Hopefully none of the neighbours were looking out of the window then as they would have been greeted by the site of me stripping naked outside the back door. Another hose down of myself and my clothes followed. The clothes then went in the machine whilst I went and showered under the hottest shower I could stand.
I bet Bertie did a runner, Mike steaming in the garden looking to wipe himself down!!
What is this fascination you have with Shyte Mike?
i think he does it for the attention, i saw it on facebook earlier and every comment was from a woman lol
i think he does it for the attention, i saw it on facebook earlier and every comment was from a woman lol

I've got a big female following on facebook. Most of them are schnauzer owners or agility people. And people wonder why I do agility.
I've got a big female following on facebook. Most of them are schnauzer owners or agility people. And people wonder why I do agility.

Going by your latest post on Facebook you may have just lost most of them!

Boris is adorable by the way.
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