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touchlocal advert

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signed up today for an advert in touch local.
it cost 10.50 a week.
been looking at there web site and getting a bit worried as to whether i`ll get any work from it.
i paid a deposit today so i could always call on monday and cacel with my 7 days cooling off period.
anyone any experience as to the possibility of getting any work from this source
i advertise on yell and have had a few good jobs of this mediam so though touchlocal would be the same.
advise please.
£10 50 a week you've been caught mate better off getting van signage and a good website
as a rule i dont do any ads from any cold calls, i did it and got nothing from it too, get your money back now. Local mags work a treat
£10.50 a week? Sounds cheap but the graphics on my van (large photographs, etc) cost me £500 (a year of advertising) and pull me a job about once every 2 months or so. This will last me a few years as I have no intention of selling the van for a while.

My last job was 4 day job which I doubt you'd get with TouchLocal or similar outfit. You'll get taps and repairing WCs and the like but not things like replacing boilers, in my opinion.

With van sign writing once every so often I see someone scribbling down my phone number off the van and am occasionally asked for a business card as I return to the van.
got an advert in yell, which i do get phone calls from and have had work.
forgot to say that for that price i get put on the plumbing listings and bathroom fitting listings.
was thinking of thompson local but they were to expensive.
have got van sign written and like they say thats the best form of advertising.
I have tried different advertising local paper and didn`t get one phone call.
Some people think this is the best, it seems people have diffferent experieces.
to expensive if you ask me. i dont and wont pay anyone to advertise for me because they rarley work. word of mouth is the only decent one, when i first started i spent loads of getting pro stickers that nobody else had and i dont even bother with them now.
Get a big box of professionally designed leaflets printed and stick a couple of thousand out each week or when things get quiet and you'll get a far better return than that ad. I get 5,000 A5 colour glossy leaflets for £99 and always get calls from them. I even get calls months later from people who stick them in a drawer for later.
By far the best way to advertise,is to do a realy good job,for a decent price,and let the word get round.
theres a touch local ad in a nearby park toilet to me,
although its a limited select few who call it and there is a lobby group trying to get them removed, aparently. george michael is a regular user of the service,lol.
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£10 50 a week you've been caught mate better off getting van signage and a good website

Couldn't agree with Daniel more the best way to advertise is to have a good website done. Not just to tell people you exist but why they should do business with you, a good website will help you distinguish yourself from all the other plumbers in your area. whereas a directory you are just another plumber. Also its important that your website is visible on the search engines. Why because most people use Google and Yahoo to find local businesses not local directories like yellow pages and thompson local. My website is on the first page of Google for people searching for plumbers in Sheffield and am getting minimum of two jobs a day from it. You have to really think outside the box if you want to distinguish yourself now a days. Do some good research for someone who has a good record of designing websites that are good at getting people to call you not just a flashy artistic designers. And who is able to make you visible on the search engines and you'll be onto a winner
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