Yes, there are properties left in my neck of the woods with that but they are getting fewer. This is a waste pipe. If you are thinking mains supply pipes then yes there are plenty of those still in use. They were usually 1/2" 6's, 7's...
Oooo i was intrigued with the answer to this. It must be 45mm ish surely
People used to fill them with sand and bash them down before weighing them in. So I've heard. Never actually held any in my hand in my lifetime and I'm 40-ish...
Scroll to the bottom of the forum. On the left there's a tiny paintbrush. Click that and change your style, a couple of them should work and one probably not.
I am aware of the issue and am working through it.
Ask the water supplier where the nearest stopcock for the house is. Also ask them about the lead pipes and whether they offer any help to replace them, etc. Consider having them fit a water meter, AFAIK, these always come with their...
I went on a Worcester training course where they mentioned this sort of situation . You can get a wireless type unit in situations where 5 core isn’t possible. (I will see if I can dig out name) but it’s not as good value as cable. Can...