Slowly increase the pressure you will see it climb in 0.2 or 0.3 mbars leave it till at correct pressure then slowly shut off if you go over remove the hose from the fga not the meter stnd run 1 mbar 1 second out / off
Put the tube on...
Change wc elbow for a tee and put shower and basin into that via a 2” pipe note this will have to be vented via an air admittance valve eg aav
Install a tee into the 110mm orange drain pipe for the bath and washing machine via a 2”...
Need to span the gap with 20/25mm metal conduit so not to compress the foam
As for fixings is it hollow block eg two cavity’s on each block or solid blocks ?
Is the gravity cold fed shower connected to a combi or unvented cylinder for the hot?
If so it's most likely higher pressure hot crossing over into the low pressure cold via the shower mixer or possibly a mixer tap elsewhere with L.P...
On my version of your photo, if the bath waste is as identified then the best way if you can access that pipework is to remove the access cap circled yellow, use a snake / flexi and push it down towards the stack first, there's only one...
It's really difficult to give good advice without knowing a little more about your system, size of house, how many radiator's etc but in general you wouldn't fit a secondary pump to a domestic heating system. My advice would be to...
hi ive just came back from the dentist job and the spluttering was due to 1 of the surgeries compressed air and water mixers breaking down and air was getting into the water i did suggest that was the case on the phone to her and she...
Because your emitter size is different to your Heatloss
As you know the heat output varies with different mwt/at-dt
Condensing boilers need a dt 34 max else you won’t have any efficiency/ energy savings and will decrease the boiler...
Yes output at dt50 of 10500btu / 3kw
Problem is that doesn’t take in your flow and return temperatures that’s just your heat loss
Dt50 is for an old school boiler high temperature eg 75-80c
As you have a condensing boiler your...
Problem is the trap needs to vent else it would create a suction and the water wouldn’t go down so needs an air gap
Can’t you adjust the sink trap to incorporate a washing / appliance waste connection ?
What did they set the heating temp to as it should be no more than 60
And also might be worth contacting the manufacturer to see how the warranty stands