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  1. F

    PRV and water pressure query

    I don't do a lot of flat work but I would say 1.5 bar is low. Obviously the higher you go the lower the water pressure. Can you take an actual pressure reading in your flat and just ensure you haven't been restricted lower down and it is effecting your supply?
  2. F

    Sewer Pipes in Concrete Pool Walls?

    Ah OK I've not seen footings poured round drains. I think the typical way here would be to pour the footing lower build up around it and lintel it. Using pea beach to support the underside of the drain work for movement
  3. F

    Sewer Pipes in Concrete Pool Walls?

    Whats the thinking behind lagging underground drains?
  4. F

    How to fit McAlpine ARB-1 anti rodent valve?

    Alternatively the polypipe version sk40. I stopped using mcalpine for a lot of my pan connectors when they stopped doing removable rubbers
  5. F

    Advice on waste connection for bowl sink

    Could do with a photo of both from the front to gauge distance apart but I would expect you need one of these. Could I have a measurement between the 2 basket strainers...
  6. F

    Constantly losing hot water pressure from Direct Vented Cylinder

    Which taps are causing the issue? Seperate bath basin taps should be fine as long as the pipework has been done right. The kitchen tap is the tricky one but its certainly possible to still get a good enough flow rate out of it.
  7. F

    Constantly losing hot water pressure from Direct Vented Cylinder

    What I mean is what taps do you have in each room? Just this week I've had to change a load of taps on a fortic system similar to yours and haven't had any issues with flow rates if the right stuff is selected
  8. F

    Advice on waste connection for bowl sink

    I need a picture of the whole lot. Both sides.
  9. F

    Constantly losing hot water pressure from Direct Vented Cylinder

    The cistern is tiny. That pump can pull up to 32L/min while your cistern looks like its only holding 45L. If you're running the hot taps for more than a few mins I expect you're depelting the cistern which then sucks in air. This would also tally up with your plumber solving the issue with a...
  10. F

    How to fit McAlpine ARB-1 anti rodent valve?

    What pan connector are you using and I'll see if I can find you a brand with a removable rubber. Fitted one beggining of this year and think I had to do the same.
  11. F

    Wiring question series/parallel

    If you trace from 4 through the room stat through the nuetral through 3 port valve back to the room stat you can see you are in parallel while testing the nuetral That may be a better way of showing it in parallel All of the above is a giant educated guess I still have no clue how resistance...
  12. F

    Wiring question series/parallel

    What terminal numbers are you using for each test?
  13. F

    Wiring question series/parallel

    It would have to be in series for the switches to work otherwise they would just be bypassed? I am no electrician Maybe you can enlighten me but I'm not sure resistance is the way forward for finding broken components? It would be voltage at each component to ensure they are switching...
  14. F

    Central heating rads

    Personally I would have a wireless stat on a stand and just trv everything. I have them on max in living spaces where the room stat would be so it doesn’t really make a difference. If i was fitting it in someone else's house I would probably put it in the hallway with lockshields Radiators work...
  15. F

    Removing unused stack pipe

    Probably not as it will be acting as the vent for the drains
  16. F

    Pipes reducing Dishwasher depth

    is the 530mm depth to the worktop over hang or the front of the units? majority of free standing slimline dishwashers are 550mm deep so would sit within the typical 20mm overhang of the worktop. Unless you've already measured to that. If I was you I would get accurate measurements and go...
  17. F

    shower bath diverter access mystery

    The tap looks ancient. It really ins't worth repairing, no doubt stuff will be scaled up and will be extremely difficult to disassemble and you risk damaging the bath in the process, also the likelyhood of o rings and bits being worn and then finding the right sizes will be another story. I...
  18. F

    I’ve just put 99.% alcohol in my washing machine by mistake…

    Is there anything in the instructions on the fault finding section on what to do when accidental flamable liquids get put inside the machine? The options I've got are clear as much as you can, let it evaporate and then wash it down Take it outside using a long hose and extension lead run a...
  19. F

    Unvented Cylinder Recommendations

    Which boiler are you having fitted? Some manafacturers offer longer warranties if you fit matching cylinder/boilers
  20. F

    Can the bottom section of this soil stack be turned?

    Depending on if the plumber used grease or soap or nothing at all will depend on how easily it turns. Leverage is your friend so put a bit of soil pipe in the fitting and use that as a turning arm, do it slowly and carefuly though without any lateral movement of the stack or it may snap the ring...

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