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  1. F

    Gas boiler flame keeps going out when run the bath

    The pressure you're talking about is your heating water pressure that goes round your radiators. The boiler uses this water to indirectly heat the tap water, it has nothing to do with gas pressure. The fact you sound so brazen about playing with the boiler with almost no knowledge is...
  2. F

    How to become faster at plumbing

    New builds are all repetition. I did a bunch of private builds and the speed difference by the end was massive once you get a feel for how things go and the measurements in your head. Keep at it you'll do great
  3. F

    GROHE smart control tap

    I don't know what screw caps are. The spec says G3/8" and I've done enough Grohe stuff to know thats what they normally are. Is your pipe work 22mm?
  4. F

    GROHE smart control tap

    Which part is 19mm? Grohe typically are 3/8" female. You would fit 15mm isolation valves then a small bit of pipe then a 15mm to 3/8" male iron
  5. F

    Compatible flush plates with Geberit UP720 (8cm)

    Pretty sure all sigma plates will fit all sigma cisterns otherwise they would be a different name. The numbers I presume refer to cistern depth I had issues with the colouring on some sigma plates a few weeks ago. I sent an email to [email protected] explaining what I needed and asked...
  6. F

    New render and pipework

    And ask them to use stainless screws so you don't get rust lines running down the render
  7. F

    The bathroom tap 300mm flexi is too short

    You can buy brass tap extensions which will extend it roughly 10mm
  8. F

    D2 from 15l under sink heater.

    Am I right in thinking though on a 15L water heater it only has a pressure relief not a temp pressure relief? It isn't a d2 if its only pressure so no length or termination regulations. It would be like your boiler pressure relief Over 15L it has to have a TPRV as standard
  9. F

    Riser kit or plywood and 4x2

    Personally hate the plinth kits they come with so I use window trim and a fascia corner which then gives me a lot more flexibility with setup height. Stollage is better in my opinion but the legs are quicker. On the times I have had to use legs because the customer has supplied it I've put...
  10. F

    Control System for 3 zone Central heating?

    Have no idea on cable sizing as I'm just a plumber. In regards to wireless stats the wiring is the same just you wire it to the reciever instead of the stat
  11. F

    Add radiator with 15mm or 22mm

    If you're teeing into the 22mm then you're fine thats the best you can possibly do. If you were teeing into the 15mm and had 2 large radiators miles from the boiler with loads of others in the house you would then have to balance the system which is more work
  12. F

    Control System for 3 zone Central heating?

    The wiring works in a series of switches starting with: Power from the fused spur (should supply your entire heating system including the boiler) Power goes to programmer(s) Programmer calls for heat based on time schedule or overide and sends power to room thermostat Room thermostats then...
  13. F

    Add radiator with 15mm or 22mm

    If you can tee into the 22mm pipes and reduce straight to 15 it would be better. What size are the radiators/how many do you have in total/ how far away are they from the airing cupboard or combi boiler?
  14. F

    Heatmiser UH8 noisy relay

    Fitted quite a few of these and never noticed the noise. If you can swap it I would
  15. F

    Any idea as to what’s happening

    My first thought was blocked filter. I believe on the quartz (which is the shower you have) the 2 screws just after the brass elbow is the filter. Take this out and check to make sure its clean. I doubt you have the flushing piece which screws onto that position which you could use to test the...
  16. F

    Bsp brass elbows going into brass mixer. Seating of the elbows?

    The rigidity would only be one way though, it would stop it tightening anymore. This is pointless as it would already be water tight. Even if the shoulder of the fitting was wound all the way in it could still undwind and create a leak. The right amount of PTFE is more than adequate for this as...
  17. F

    Bsp brass elbows going into brass mixer. Seating of the elbows?

    How were you planning on sealing it without any ptfe tape? PTFE tape/loctite 55/liquid ptfe is what 99.9% of all plumbers would use in that situation. If you want to go full cowboy just chuck 3-4 1/2" rubber washers in there and tighten until its in the right position. If there is no seat for...
  18. F

    Leaking Isolation valve

    Back to the wall pans with close coupled cisterns are stupid. In my experience. The only way to use a flexi with a soil pipe in the floor is to have the soil pipe coming up right against the wall. This only just gives the flexi space to bend in the right radius and fit the pan. Personally I...
  19. F

    White silicone for around bath

    Dowcorning 785 is by far the best. Not had any issues with mould with it apart from the dirty bastards that don't ever clean
  20. F

    Plasterboard frames for blind. What screws?

    But not the experience or the right fixings. Something a handyman will have both of Can't tell you what the right fixings are until you drill the hole

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