I was looking at a job and was looking for some advice. The customer has a sealed oil c/h system and wants to put in a 15 kw stove. It is a two story house. The pipes coming from the boiler are 28mm but reduced to 22mm as it enters the house. The flow and return go straight up to the attic then drop down to hot press to cylinder, upstairs rads and downstairs rads. The pressure vessel and filling gauge are in the attic. What I want to do is change it to and open vented system. The hot press is a long distance away and I will have to take the flow and return from the stove up through a bedroom into the attic and drop down into the hot press were I will connect into a new dual coil cylinder. Just before it goes into the cylinder I want to branch off in 28mm with a pump to my radiator circuits. I am thinking of putting in 2 combined feed and vent pipes to prevent pitching Will the 2 vent pipes be ok in 22mm or does the oil boiler one have to be 28 mm because the boiler is greater than 25kw even though the pipe work for the boiler is mostly in 22mm apart from 20 feet were it enters the house from the boiler. Hope this makes sense. First post. Any advice would be appreciated thank you.