being in the plumbing and heating industry for 45yrs+ has never amazed me how we come across different challenges/problems to solve 99% of the time iv'e always coped this is part of the 1% time or maybe iv'e got blinkers on and can't see the wood for the trees.This one project come's with the renewal of a WC and cistern to replace.Now the existing WC is of the siphonic type which go'es into a 3" soil stack not just the outlet but the whole of the stack is in 3" cast iron.This i know was common practice for siphonic close coupled WC's.The new toilet is not of the siphonic type but of the more common ordinary flush type close coupled suit,the question i ask is could there be a problem,to start with or in the future connecting a 4" outlet to a 3" outlet my heart of heart tells me that a re-newal of the existing soil should be done but this is were the blinkers come into this question, help with idea's to let me see the wood through the tree's, would be ever so grateful