Mike Jackson
Just had one of those days. Been going like stink all day and achieved sweet FA.
First call is to look at a job to price a swap to an unvented. Go to job, can't find address and I've not written customers number down. Hang around expecting the where are you call, it doesn't come.
Off to Drain Centre to pick up white rainwater goods for next job, Marley lorry never turned up so down to job and do the 5 minutes work that I could and leave.
Off to get a replacement for the wide jawed 8" Bahco I lost last week. After 3 places end up getting a 10" CK for the moment.
Home for lunch. Try and sort a couple of estimates but I'm in such a bad mood that all goes pear shaped.
After a 2 hour lunch I get the where are you call. The customer had thought I was coming lunch time and when someone else turned up lunchtime realised I hadn't turned up. Turned out I had written down 6 instead of 66. Went to look at that job and it looks hopeful and it may have grown into a weeks work with other stuff he wants done. Downside is he kept asking questions as I was trying to get out of the door to my last job.
Last job, change the diverter on a Baxi instant 80e. Tried on Friday couldn't get the hot water outlet nut undone. Sprayed it with releasing fluid and left the can with the customer who kept spraying it over the weekend. Still won't undo so I've got to cut the nut off which means a new interconnecting pipe. Last time I tried to order one there weren't any available so I'm going to have to file down a tap conn and make one.
Finally positive when I checked the post, a cheque for 1 1/2 grand that I thought the customer had already paid by BT.
First call is to look at a job to price a swap to an unvented. Go to job, can't find address and I've not written customers number down. Hang around expecting the where are you call, it doesn't come.
Off to Drain Centre to pick up white rainwater goods for next job, Marley lorry never turned up so down to job and do the 5 minutes work that I could and leave.
Off to get a replacement for the wide jawed 8" Bahco I lost last week. After 3 places end up getting a 10" CK for the moment.
Home for lunch. Try and sort a couple of estimates but I'm in such a bad mood that all goes pear shaped.
After a 2 hour lunch I get the where are you call. The customer had thought I was coming lunch time and when someone else turned up lunchtime realised I hadn't turned up. Turned out I had written down 6 instead of 66. Went to look at that job and it looks hopeful and it may have grown into a weeks work with other stuff he wants done. Downside is he kept asking questions as I was trying to get out of the door to my last job.
Last job, change the diverter on a Baxi instant 80e. Tried on Friday couldn't get the hot water outlet nut undone. Sprayed it with releasing fluid and left the can with the customer who kept spraying it over the weekend. Still won't undo so I've got to cut the nut off which means a new interconnecting pipe. Last time I tried to order one there weren't any available so I'm going to have to file down a tap conn and make one.
Finally positive when I checked the post, a cheque for 1 1/2 grand that I thought the customer had already paid by BT.