CCN theory is all done in one hit,
2 minutes per question, then you get the wrong ones back and get another 2 minutes per question,
If you are initial you do legislation, flues and safety total 160 questions
Reassessment do flues and safety total 100
With Bpec you need 80 % in EACH theory paper or you fail, if over 80% you get a different version of the wrong ones to get you up to 100%
So depending on how you get on with theory will decide when you move onto practical
Practical is anywhere between 1 and 2 days depending on how good you are, again 2 attempts at everything or you fail,
We get some good guys getting through practical in one day but very few, most are 1.5-2 which is fine, some can't get through everything in the 2 days and are then put into one of two groups
First is Not Yet Competent, which means they have achieved a decent standard of work, but too slow therefore not compete, if they get more training or self study and come back within 3 months they get to carry on with original assessment to complete it
Second group have made too many mistakes and depending on where they make their mistakes, ie TT, flue flow, spillage etc, things that are safety critical they need to do a full rest to ensure they are competent
Technically I suppose there is another group, and that is someone who FAILS, due to making serious mistakes on safety critical, or simply not being able to complete tasks properly in a decent time frame, eg someone who takes all day to get through 2-3 hrs tasks and has made mistakes, they get taken aside and told their assessment is being stopped
After competing CCN1 you then do your specialist subjects, again 1-1.5 days is usually enough to complete if tagged onto CCN as APA (applied previous assessment) can be used to reduce the amount of tasks being done, like only one TT test per set of appliances