Please help, I bought a Baxi inset fire and boiler 2 years ago which is still under warranty. The boiler ignition system lights the pilot after quite a few attempts, them after 3 seconds the main burner goes out and the ignition starts again until the main burner lights. This cycle goes on and on until gas spills into the room. Transco emergency team have placed a prohibition notice on the boiler twice and last December we had no heating or hot water for 10 days. Baxi have made 10 calls, replaced the boiler tray twice, I have had a new Flue liner fitted at the request of Baxi and an electrician cross bond the earth connections as the boiler has flame rectification. The draw of the Flue has been described by the Baxi Engineer as the best he has seen and the ventilation into the room is via a 4" unrestricted vent. Baxi are now saying that they are not going to visit again as the appliance is not at fault. Can anyone help.???