Fellow Colleagues
Great website but wondering where is the best place to put a post regarding some work experience, three months off from finishing level 2 in Leeds and looking to carry on with level three, can work for free and can sort insurance if thats what required (was asked for this the other day). Would ideally be Saturday work as cannot afford to jump ship into full time plumbing work at present but never say never I suppose.
Any info gladly received as need to get into an industry that gives you a bit of pride at the end of the day!
Not a youngster as am 35, a non-smoker, trained first aider, keen and pick things up quickly, current skills are in the printing industry which I have been in for fifteen years but need more than sitting in a stuffy office for 40 hours a week!
Thanks in advance.
Great website but wondering where is the best place to put a post regarding some work experience, three months off from finishing level 2 in Leeds and looking to carry on with level three, can work for free and can sort insurance if thats what required (was asked for this the other day). Would ideally be Saturday work as cannot afford to jump ship into full time plumbing work at present but never say never I suppose.
Any info gladly received as need to get into an industry that gives you a bit of pride at the end of the day!
Not a youngster as am 35, a non-smoker, trained first aider, keen and pick things up quickly, current skills are in the printing industry which I have been in for fifteen years but need more than sitting in a stuffy office for 40 hours a week!
Thanks in advance.
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