Mr Flux
wel guys looking for some help with a problem at a house i was called up2 this evening! its a fully pumped vented heating system running of a standard oil boiler 3 zone on programmer upstairs down and hot water! Customer said that problem only started on thursday, when they turn the heating on rads only get luke warm! arrived up this evening and turned zones 1 and 2 on upstairs and down, boiler fired and pump started running all rooms stats where up full and calling for heat and boiler stat was up full! Anyway rads started 2 get warm and then after about 10 mins the boiler and pump shut off, only way 2 get rads warm was 2 put zone 3 on with them which is for hot water! Also when zone 1 and 2 is put on the thermostat on the boiler doesnt seem to be controlling the boiler if i turn it up or down it dosnt knock the boiler on or off but if i turn on zone 3 with 1 and 2 the boiler knocks on and off if i turn the thermostat on it up or down! any throughts guys?? thinking it could be electrical!