hi very informative and helpful site by the way.
im a fully qualified plumber, ie not a nugget. i finally decided to get my gas, ive finished all the gas foundation theory and nailed the theory exams. im now building up my portfolio which is slow going as i have recently moved and the majority of my friends/old workmates which are registered are back home. is there anyone in the hyde/manchester area (id be willing to travel up to 40miles if not) that is looking for someone. im a hard worker, very interested in my work and a quick learner. ideally im looking for boiler service/breakdown work but any gas related work il lap up and enjoy doing. please feel free to reply or private message me for my phone number if you are interested and want a chat with me. (goes without saying ive got all my own tools and transport etc).
cheers. hopefully il hear from you soon.
im a fully qualified plumber, ie not a nugget. i finally decided to get my gas, ive finished all the gas foundation theory and nailed the theory exams. im now building up my portfolio which is slow going as i have recently moved and the majority of my friends/old workmates which are registered are back home. is there anyone in the hyde/manchester area (id be willing to travel up to 40miles if not) that is looking for someone. im a hard worker, very interested in my work and a quick learner. ideally im looking for boiler service/breakdown work but any gas related work il lap up and enjoy doing. please feel free to reply or private message me for my phone number if you are interested and want a chat with me. (goes without saying ive got all my own tools and transport etc).
cheers. hopefully il hear from you soon.