I have an valiant ecotec plus 630 gas boiler, Honeywell st799 programmer and an old satchwell thermostat.
We only really use the programmer at present to either run the hot water or heating for an hour or so operated by manually sliding the control lever across to 'cont' then turning it off.
Operate hot water switch to 'cont' boiler fires up and works fine, move the heating switch to 'cont' nothing happens.
Boiler has about 1.2bar water pressure, thermostat is making contact when turned up, checked continuity across the connections.
I'm no electrician, but I'm thinking of changing the programmer, as I suspect this to be the problem.
Feel free to advise me where to check/look first by all means, or tell me I'm talking rubbish.
Thanks in advance
We only really use the programmer at present to either run the hot water or heating for an hour or so operated by manually sliding the control lever across to 'cont' then turning it off.
Operate hot water switch to 'cont' boiler fires up and works fine, move the heating switch to 'cont' nothing happens.
Boiler has about 1.2bar water pressure, thermostat is making contact when turned up, checked continuity across the connections.
I'm no electrician, but I'm thinking of changing the programmer, as I suspect this to be the problem.
Feel free to advise me where to check/look first by all means, or tell me I'm talking rubbish.
Thanks in advance