Afternoon all.
I am looking at changing the way I work and am looking at moving over from only installs to some servicing and maitianance, I have for the last 5 years worked hard and put in a lot of new installs but have passed all break down work over to a very good friend, who in return passes installs back to me.( he has no probs with me servicing as he has more than enough)
but I have found over the last couple of years found my cash flow being so erratic, it all or nothing!! partly due to running larger new or retrofit job, carrying large material cost, which then has to be chased up to clear merchant bills!!
And over the last couple of years I have found that more customers seem to be slower paying than in previous years. even cutomers tht would write me a cheque as I handed over the invoice are now taking longer, even though they have no issues with any of the works done!
So I am moving over to do some servicing, in a effort to keep a small amount of jobs ticking over in an effort to stabilise the all or nothing cash flow!
So I throw my self on your knowlage to ask is there any good referance books/ material I should look at finding, also any good free course out there.
Many thanks for your anwsers!
I am looking at changing the way I work and am looking at moving over from only installs to some servicing and maitianance, I have for the last 5 years worked hard and put in a lot of new installs but have passed all break down work over to a very good friend, who in return passes installs back to me.( he has no probs with me servicing as he has more than enough)
but I have found over the last couple of years found my cash flow being so erratic, it all or nothing!! partly due to running larger new or retrofit job, carrying large material cost, which then has to be chased up to clear merchant bills!!
And over the last couple of years I have found that more customers seem to be slower paying than in previous years. even cutomers tht would write me a cheque as I handed over the invoice are now taking longer, even though they have no issues with any of the works done!
So I am moving over to do some servicing, in a effort to keep a small amount of jobs ticking over in an effort to stabilise the all or nothing cash flow!
So I throw my self on your knowlage to ask is there any good referance books/ material I should look at finding, also any good free course out there.
Many thanks for your anwsers!