Hope you guys and gals can help.😀
I have a two-pipe indirect system, fired by an oil-fired boiler, the pipes are inverted and run in the loft of a single storey(bungalow) house. One of the rads remains cold, even after the boiler has been running for some time. Each area has drain-cock valve as inverted, and cannot get any heat to go into the rad unless drawing water off using the drain cock for that rad.....and once turned off, the rad cools down again. Have drained the system several times, also added cleaner and flushed after a week...but with no luck.😕
There are also two pressure release valves in the loft(not sure whether they should be there, as indirect system?? one has a leak which I am fixing tomorrow, would this affect the rad?? would an air lock cause this?? only that have drained system and refilled, so air lock should dissappear anyway. 😕
Sorry for the long thread, but had lot to put in...
Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hope you guys and gals can help.😀
I have a two-pipe indirect system, fired by an oil-fired boiler, the pipes are inverted and run in the loft of a single storey(bungalow) house. One of the rads remains cold, even after the boiler has been running for some time. Each area has drain-cock valve as inverted, and cannot get any heat to go into the rad unless drawing water off using the drain cock for that rad.....and once turned off, the rad cools down again. Have drained the system several times, also added cleaner and flushed after a week...but with no luck.😕
There are also two pressure release valves in the loft(not sure whether they should be there, as indirect system?? one has a leak which I am fixing tomorrow, would this affect the rad?? would an air lock cause this?? only that have drained system and refilled, so air lock should dissappear anyway. 😕
Sorry for the long thread, but had lot to put in...
Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.