Hey guys and girls,
Been a while since I posted in here, but I went on and bought the NVQ books and some tools and started doing the plumbing on the kitchens and bathrooms that I fitted, so learning more everyday. Plus the pro plumber I use has been very helpful showing me tricks and techniques on the small jobs that I would have usually pestered him with. I still use him when there's gas and CH involved as that's all still too technical.
I came here today to put a question to you all regarding a job I did not long ago for a mate.
Basically, he bought a Bellway house about 2 years ago and he could smell damp in the sink base unit but couldn't see any water or leaks, so being naive put it off to 'under the sink smells.' He got a new bird who wasn't happy about it once she moved in so asked me for advice. I had a look under the sink and besides a tiny, tiny weep from under the tap - not much else, so I took the plinth off. Under the unit was absolutely saturated! Around the 1 1/2 solvent weld waste through the backboard was a decor cap. Took that off and noticed a water stain at the bottom of the cut-out. So I cut out some of the backboard to get a look at what was behind in the service gap and behind that was a tee with the condensate pipe in a reducer in to it. The base of the tee was wet around the joint right against the backboard so assumed the joint had failed. So I ended up taking it all out to get a proper look and sort it all out with new gear.
My question or topic of debate I suppose is to do with the condensate water from the boiler. I had a fiddle with the tee and reducer and it all felt very brittle - almost pitted. The 21.5mm elbow snapped with hardly any force, almost malleable. Could the failure of the tee be down to the effects of the condensate water?
Been a while since I posted in here, but I went on and bought the NVQ books and some tools and started doing the plumbing on the kitchens and bathrooms that I fitted, so learning more everyday. Plus the pro plumber I use has been very helpful showing me tricks and techniques on the small jobs that I would have usually pestered him with. I still use him when there's gas and CH involved as that's all still too technical.
I came here today to put a question to you all regarding a job I did not long ago for a mate.
Basically, he bought a Bellway house about 2 years ago and he could smell damp in the sink base unit but couldn't see any water or leaks, so being naive put it off to 'under the sink smells.' He got a new bird who wasn't happy about it once she moved in so asked me for advice. I had a look under the sink and besides a tiny, tiny weep from under the tap - not much else, so I took the plinth off. Under the unit was absolutely saturated! Around the 1 1/2 solvent weld waste through the backboard was a decor cap. Took that off and noticed a water stain at the bottom of the cut-out. So I cut out some of the backboard to get a look at what was behind in the service gap and behind that was a tee with the condensate pipe in a reducer in to it. The base of the tee was wet around the joint right against the backboard so assumed the joint had failed. So I ended up taking it all out to get a proper look and sort it all out with new gear.
My question or topic of debate I suppose is to do with the condensate water from the boiler. I had a fiddle with the tee and reducer and it all felt very brittle - almost pitted. The 21.5mm elbow snapped with hardly any force, almost malleable. Could the failure of the tee be down to the effects of the condensate water?