Hi everyone,
Couldn't decide if this regs-related question should be in the 'water regs' or 'general' forum - apologies if this isn't the right place..
I'm intending to move my bathroom into an adjacent room (on the same outside wall); I'd worked out that the distance from the soil stack to the new WC location would be (just) under 6m, so there'd be no extension of drains needed, and by good luck I could even just extend/replace the existing branch without having to alter the (cast iron) soil stack itself - so all 'seemed' good to go without approval being needed.
Then I began to hear other views on this. It could be that a WC is a controlled appliance needing approval to move, that even lengthening the soil branch (without touching the drains/services) needs approval, and/or that I may even need building approval to move a bathroom anyway! 🙁
Sigh. This is part of a larger re-arrangement of rooms that I've been working on for years and is now nearly finished - so I'm 'a bit committed' to doing it by this stage! I'm also intending to sell the house at some point, and want to avoid the lack of any approvals causing problems.
Does anyone know if I really do need approval? If so, are they recent requirements? (my alterations began back in 2000, so maybe I could fudge it a bit if they're new). Failing that, can any professionals self-certify this type of work or does it have to be a local authority inspection job?
Thanks for your help,
just in case anyone else wants a similar answer, I think I found the info here - http://www.ukplumbersforums.co.uk/water-regulations/1834-bathroom-water-regs.html. It wasn't that I couldn't find stuff like this on the forum (there was actually quite a bit) its just that there also seemed to be quite a lot of disagreement. However this post seems fairly authoritive and wasn't followed by much contradiction so I guess thats that.
Can't really see that the relocation of a controlled fitting in a new room would entirely pass as 'routine maintenance' with only 'minor work' on the SVP.. Oh well. Sad thing is, I conciensiously spent some time on local authority websites, and the only thing I came up with was not to extend the sewer pipes without notification - bit 'over simplified' maybe.
Couldn't decide if this regs-related question should be in the 'water regs' or 'general' forum - apologies if this isn't the right place..
I'm intending to move my bathroom into an adjacent room (on the same outside wall); I'd worked out that the distance from the soil stack to the new WC location would be (just) under 6m, so there'd be no extension of drains needed, and by good luck I could even just extend/replace the existing branch without having to alter the (cast iron) soil stack itself - so all 'seemed' good to go without approval being needed.
Then I began to hear other views on this. It could be that a WC is a controlled appliance needing approval to move, that even lengthening the soil branch (without touching the drains/services) needs approval, and/or that I may even need building approval to move a bathroom anyway! 🙁
Sigh. This is part of a larger re-arrangement of rooms that I've been working on for years and is now nearly finished - so I'm 'a bit committed' to doing it by this stage! I'm also intending to sell the house at some point, and want to avoid the lack of any approvals causing problems.
Does anyone know if I really do need approval? If so, are they recent requirements? (my alterations began back in 2000, so maybe I could fudge it a bit if they're new). Failing that, can any professionals self-certify this type of work or does it have to be a local authority inspection job?
Thanks for your help,
just in case anyone else wants a similar answer, I think I found the info here - http://www.ukplumbersforums.co.uk/water-regulations/1834-bathroom-water-regs.html. It wasn't that I couldn't find stuff like this on the forum (there was actually quite a bit) its just that there also seemed to be quite a lot of disagreement. However this post seems fairly authoritive and wasn't followed by much contradiction so I guess thats that.
Can't really see that the relocation of a controlled fitting in a new room would entirely pass as 'routine maintenance' with only 'minor work' on the SVP.. Oh well. Sad thing is, I conciensiously spent some time on local authority websites, and the only thing I came up with was not to extend the sewer pipes without notification - bit 'over simplified' maybe.
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