M Mgrant Feb 28, 2016 #1 If coring a hole for a toilet that will connect to the waste via a bent pan connector. What distance for the finnish wall would you core the hole for the 4inch waste pipe. Generally as the toilet isn't on site yet
If coring a hole for a toilet that will connect to the waste via a bent pan connector. What distance for the finnish wall would you core the hole for the 4inch waste pipe. Generally as the toilet isn't on site yet
ShaunCorbs Super Moderator Staff member S. Mod Plumber Gas Engineer Subscribed Feb 28, 2016 #2 is it a normal toilet nothing special?
jtsplumbing Esteemed Plumber Gas Engineer Subscribed Feb 28, 2016 #3 Do you mean the height off the floor ? or distance off a corner ?
Chalked Esteemed Plumber Gas Engineer Feb 28, 2016 #4 Most wc pans are 7 1/2 inch to the centre of the outlet from the floor finish.