Hi guys, I'm setting up on the 30th of this month but had a couple of questions regarding when a customers calls up and what sort of information you should give them. I would appreciate any help and advice people can give.🙂
- When a customers calls, do you make them aware of the call out charge or do you wait for them to ask first? I ask this because in the past i have forgotten to ask about call out charges and then been surprised by them when getting the bill, surely the workman should advise before accepting the call over the phone?
- As a plumber do you give quotes over the phone? As it seems impossible in our line of work without actually going out and inspecting the job.
- What is an acceptable call out charge, emergency call out charge? I was thinking roughly £30 for a standard call out but have no clue regards to emergency call out fees, i don't want to rip my customers off.
- Has anyone else got any other advice they would like to give me?