I came across this scenerio on a landlords-
A new boiler in the kitchen.
A fire in the lounge, upon closer inspection it was found to be connected to a back-boiler and the back-boiler still connected to the gas supply. I would have thought this back-boiler would have been ok left in situ as long as the gas valve was re-moved and appropriate fitting used to cap off thus isolating it from the gas supply. Also I would expect the bb to be drained down and drilled, is this correct , if so what else should be done.
A new boiler in the kitchen.
A fire in the lounge, upon closer inspection it was found to be connected to a back-boiler and the back-boiler still connected to the gas supply. I would have thought this back-boiler would have been ok left in situ as long as the gas valve was re-moved and appropriate fitting used to cap off thus isolating it from the gas supply. Also I would expect the bb to be drained down and drilled, is this correct , if so what else should be done.