Hi. I have had the same thoughts as you seem to be pondering? But mine were about practical work and earning more money. However in the early days of my working life i tried employing labour to assist, it always turned out to be a disaster. On reflection i paid them to much and over estimated their ability / common sense and lacked the time and inclination to train them. Thirty years on i have employed people for similar reasons but providing on the job training, knowledge and a future for the individuals. The benefits have been many fold, not least witnessing young people develop a passion for the trade. I ignore the minimum wage, offer a 3 week trial (giving negative and positive feed back every two or three days) if the three week is achieved. and they are found to have the potential, offer a post at x number of £ per week. With say £10 per week increment every 2 months if they hit the target you set for their developments. However in my opinion knowledge has superceeded skill in the plumbing and associated trades, so the "why we do this" needs to be stressed at every level. EG. We prepare the surface to be tiled with this because and we use this adhesive because, etc. If you get the figures right before you start it will be the best investment you ever make. Good Luck