My Keston boiler packed in a couple of months ago, so I've had a Valliant eco tec plus fitted. It all worked fine for a week, then the central heating wouldn't go off. If the boiler is on, everything is on. The heating engineer told me it was due to two valves that now need to be replaced - at a cost of £240. I don't have that money, so I am just keeping the radiator valves at 0 and switching the electrical supply to the boiler off at night. I have a secondary return (I think it's called!) system so I get hot water on demand. A couple of weeks later, the water started coming through tepid and only getting to hand hot whereas it used to be very hot instantly. The heating engineer says that is due to the pump not functioning. I know this guy and feel I can trust him, but I am concerned! Can I get a second opinion?