I've just been reading through this great site and thought I'd post my issue here to see if anyone can help please?
We have an open vented, fully pumped (I could be wrong) central heating / hot water system and just before Christmas our 20+ year old bolier started leaking at the heat exchanger. We called in a friend who has a plumbing business and had the boiler replaced with a GlowWorm condensing boiler. I don't think the old boiler was a condensing one. He also flushed the system with flux and sludge remover, fitted a gold magnetic filter to the return pipe near the boiler and all was well.
After a couple of days we started noticing water outside on the patio. It turns out this has been coming from the feed and expansion tank overflow pipe.
What is now happening is that once the pump shuts off, roughly half a pint of water is coming out of the vent pipe which goes up and then down over the expansion tank. It only happens after the system has run and the pump shuts off. After a while the level in the expansion tank rises enough that it just reaches the overflow and hence the water outside.
The system worked fine before the boiler switch over. Things that have been tried are opening a bypass valve (I'm sorry but not sure what this is) and also turning down the pump from 3 to 2 but the problem still exists.
We are in a bungalow that has had 3 rooms built into what was the loft space. The layout of the system is the boiler on the ground floor with the hot water storage tank above it in the same cupboard, and then upstairs in what's left of the loft we have the cold water storage tank and the feed and expansion tank. 3 radiators upstairs and 7 downstairs.
The heating and hot water works fine, all radiators get fully hot but there's this water from the vent after the pump shuts off. The water is clear and cold.
Sorry to go on a bit but we can't seem to pinpoint what might be causing it.
I know it's hard to comment without actually seeing it but if anyone can offer any advice on this please then I'd be really grateful.
Thanks for reading.
I've just been reading through this great site and thought I'd post my issue here to see if anyone can help please?
We have an open vented, fully pumped (I could be wrong) central heating / hot water system and just before Christmas our 20+ year old bolier started leaking at the heat exchanger. We called in a friend who has a plumbing business and had the boiler replaced with a GlowWorm condensing boiler. I don't think the old boiler was a condensing one. He also flushed the system with flux and sludge remover, fitted a gold magnetic filter to the return pipe near the boiler and all was well.
After a couple of days we started noticing water outside on the patio. It turns out this has been coming from the feed and expansion tank overflow pipe.
What is now happening is that once the pump shuts off, roughly half a pint of water is coming out of the vent pipe which goes up and then down over the expansion tank. It only happens after the system has run and the pump shuts off. After a while the level in the expansion tank rises enough that it just reaches the overflow and hence the water outside.
The system worked fine before the boiler switch over. Things that have been tried are opening a bypass valve (I'm sorry but not sure what this is) and also turning down the pump from 3 to 2 but the problem still exists.
We are in a bungalow that has had 3 rooms built into what was the loft space. The layout of the system is the boiler on the ground floor with the hot water storage tank above it in the same cupboard, and then upstairs in what's left of the loft we have the cold water storage tank and the feed and expansion tank. 3 radiators upstairs and 7 downstairs.
The heating and hot water works fine, all radiators get fully hot but there's this water from the vent after the pump shuts off. The water is clear and cold.
Sorry to go on a bit but we can't seem to pinpoint what might be causing it.
I know it's hard to comment without actually seeing it but if anyone can offer any advice on this please then I'd be really grateful.
Thanks for reading.