Personal opinion only
Think maybe some are being a bit harsh,maybe he has not done the test since his assessment,lots only do it then with the new appliances these days,you can go ages ,not coming across a back boiler, many do get confused/lack conference when come to doing a test once every three or four years
However it is important that if someone is not sure ,they should ask rather than do the tests incorrectly....dammed if you do,dammed if you don't
When I first started would do quite a few a week,now I do mostly on fires during gsr's,I have not done back boiler for about couple of months
Maybe a pointer were to find procedure and regs involved,so the person can do his own refresher and reference work
At least it shows he is taking the work seriously and wants to do it correctly
After all you are not suppose to remember everything,you are suppose to be able to look up and reference the correct ,valid information
re reading ,I think pauls posts are being twisted a bit