Pricing up a job at the moment. Customer currently has conventional set up. Tank fed HW and CW. He wants a combi up in the loft. Trouble is his mains is poor at 13 litres per minute I have told him he will not be inpressed by the results and advised him to stay with current set up. However British Gas have quoted and told him 13 l/m will be fine.
What are everyone elses opinions on the matter.
He is looking at a loft conversion at some point and the HW cylinder is right where the stairs will be going and he wants shower room up the top which means storage tank system is no good for what he wants to do.
What are everyone elses opinions on the matter.
He is looking at a loft conversion at some point and the HW cylinder is right where the stairs will be going and he wants shower room up the top which means storage tank system is no good for what he wants to do.