In another mail Brian was saying how lead work is the only skill element now left in Plumbing. I would agree to a certain extent. Copper pipe is easy enough to bend but still takes a bit of skill. Sheet copper has virtually become a niche market and lots of it seems to be done by machine now anyway.
So where is the future for Plumbing?
Well I think its moving more onto a knowledge based job as well as a physical.
There is skill in getting a job to look well.
There is knowledge when you gaze into a Valliant combi and wonder what all those pretty coloured wires, transistors and thermistors are for.
There is knowledge in installing a central heating system that would work by natural circulation and only uses the pump on minimum setting.
There is knowledge in knowing how to heat a house, with solar, or heat pumps.
Putting it simply there is a lot to know nowadays, that is not to say there wasn't in the past, its just different.
So what of the future?
Well in the UK gas boilers are said to produce 60% of our carbon di oxide and a pile of nox. Its fairly obvious something may have to be done about that.
Heat pumps? maybe. Wind power? Solar power? Geo thermal, Fuel cells, maybe? Local atomic piles, maybe? Don't laugh they have them in subs and if the oil runs out who knows?
So electrical heating and boilers?
Loads to think about. But all heavy on knowledge rather than physical skill.🙂🙂🙂🙂
So where is the future for Plumbing?
Well I think its moving more onto a knowledge based job as well as a physical.
There is skill in getting a job to look well.
There is knowledge when you gaze into a Valliant combi and wonder what all those pretty coloured wires, transistors and thermistors are for.
There is knowledge in installing a central heating system that would work by natural circulation and only uses the pump on minimum setting.
There is knowledge in knowing how to heat a house, with solar, or heat pumps.
Putting it simply there is a lot to know nowadays, that is not to say there wasn't in the past, its just different.
So what of the future?
Well in the UK gas boilers are said to produce 60% of our carbon di oxide and a pile of nox. Its fairly obvious something may have to be done about that.
Heat pumps? maybe. Wind power? Solar power? Geo thermal, Fuel cells, maybe? Local atomic piles, maybe? Don't laugh they have them in subs and if the oil runs out who knows?
So electrical heating and boilers?
Loads to think about. But all heavy on knowledge rather than physical skill.🙂🙂🙂🙂
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