Hi i would like some other plumbers advice who have had good experience with solid fuel and gravity installations. I have just fitted a 300 litre thermal store in a customers new house. The thermal store is upstairs in the hot press and the wood burner downstairs. This house however has concrete floors upstairs so when i was first fixing my 28mm flow and return up the chimney breast and onto first floor i had only a limited amount of a rise i could get on the flow and return as the depth on the finished screed floor was only 3.5 inches and the length of run from point at when they projected up onto first floor and ran horizontally to the the thermal store was 12 metres . The wood burner has not been installed yet but my only concern before it is installed and lit is that will the long length of horizontal run to the store be sufficient enough for the heat this 20kw wood burner is producing to circulate fast enough via only gravity circulation ??
I mentioned this concern to my plumbing suppliers and they said some of their other plumbers are fitting a pump on the primary f/r from the stove just to move the hot water more quicker but still piping via gravity circulation just incase of power failure and safety . Would this be recommend by anybody ? And if not why ?
I mentioned this concern to my plumbing suppliers and they said some of their other plumbers are fitting a pump on the primary f/r from the stove just to move the hot water more quicker but still piping via gravity circulation just incase of power failure and safety . Would this be recommend by anybody ? And if not why ?