worcestor 24i greenstar junior combi.
Hi, My greenstar went on the blink just as I arrived home from holiday.
I Tested the expansion vessel only to find that it had failed (water coming out of the valve when depressed.) I replaced this by fitting an external 8 ltr expansion vessel from screwfix.
The boiler started straight away and we had hot water and heating for a while but then we had banging in the boiler and it cut out.
I tried to vent the boiler at the top of the heat exchanger but just steam came out.
there is also a leak on the top gasket on the heat ex and there was some steam coming from this.
Any ideas, its driving me nuts.
Thank you Malcolm.
Hi, My greenstar went on the blink just as I arrived home from holiday.
I Tested the expansion vessel only to find that it had failed (water coming out of the valve when depressed.) I replaced this by fitting an external 8 ltr expansion vessel from screwfix.
The boiler started straight away and we had hot water and heating for a while but then we had banging in the boiler and it cut out.
I tried to vent the boiler at the top of the heat exchanger but just steam came out.
there is also a leak on the top gasket on the heat ex and there was some steam coming from this.
Any ideas, its driving me nuts.
Thank you Malcolm.