A few weeks ago a guy give me a cash deposit, then a cheque which bounced, nice house, loads of nice shiny cars etc. I told him and he give me some flannel, I asked for cash and he said come back tomorrow, I did... he was on holiday...
Hopefully for him he'll pay up when he gets back, thing is he's got loads of work for me to do, and I sometimes wonder why people demand money up front.
Thing is seemed nice folks and all that, I priced up the job (not the house) so why lie people? If you aint got the money to pay for the job, why start it and why feck off on holiday and not answer your phone🙁
Sorry, rant over, cheques are nice but cash is king and wont bounce, just because someone has a nice big house, nice cars doesn't mean they've got any more cash than the rest of us.