Hi mate i understand that we are in a recession but it can't last forever and i want to get trained up now for when things get better so that i am in a good position to get a well paid job.
good luck to you but its not that simple.
what ever happens in this recession or after your at the bottom of the pile.
you do your course etc, then next comes the experience.
these courses have flooded the place with plumbers from 7 week courses
and we don't want them they have no experience.
and now many of the firms out there will ask how you done your nvq etc,
seven weeks you say, sorry don't want to know.
i've got one bloke with me not got a nvq to his name.
but got his water regs,unvented and yrs of experience etc and i know he
can be left on a job and he can do it.
i have a mortgage and a family to support.
your choice but just be careful and do all your homework before wasting money.
phone a few companys and ask if they would take plumbers off courses etc. get it from the horses mouth.