Hello everyone,
My Woodwarm stove shows how to install Hi-Lo stats but the 4 pipe layout shows the LO stat on the return from the gravity circuit.
How will this prevent cold glugs of water returning from the CH system and entering the stove?
The 2 pipe layout shows the stat clearly on the return from the CH system and sensing the return flow directly.
Is the four pipe layout flawed?
Many Thanks. 🙂
My Woodwarm stove shows how to install Hi-Lo stats but the 4 pipe layout shows the LO stat on the return from the gravity circuit.
How will this prevent cold glugs of water returning from the CH system and entering the stove?
The 2 pipe layout shows the stat clearly on the return from the CH system and sensing the return flow directly.
Is the four pipe layout flawed?
Many Thanks. 🙂