Hi Guys, Would really appreciate your expert advice here. Have just moved into new house and it has an Icos HE15 boiler with a hot water tank in airing cupboard upstairs. From what I've read here so far (great forum by the way) its one of those Unvented systems as the tank says that on it. The shower is a long horizontal steel thing, about 10 inches, which has taps at each end, one side turns on the water and the other side has a thermostat which we tend to keep between 30 and 35. What I need to know is,
1) How long do we need to put the hot water on for, to have enough water for 3 people to shower?
2) We presently have it on for 2 hours a day, but the last person showering often runs out of hot water and gets annoyed. How long should this boiler take to heat the full tank?
3) Is one tank of water enough for 3 people to shower or will we need to start showering at different times of the day, rather than all in the evening which we do at present?
Sorry for the long winded post, but I have no idea about these things and the manual is useless, its all about how to install the boiler! Appreciate all replies and thanks in advance 🙂
1) How long do we need to put the hot water on for, to have enough water for 3 people to shower?
2) We presently have it on for 2 hours a day, but the last person showering often runs out of hot water and gets annoyed. How long should this boiler take to heat the full tank?
3) Is one tank of water enough for 3 people to shower or will we need to start showering at different times of the day, rather than all in the evening which we do at present?
Sorry for the long winded post, but I have no idea about these things and the manual is useless, its all about how to install the boiler! Appreciate all replies and thanks in advance 🙂