The above boiler is basically a solo dressed up as a combi and causing me grief!
Il try and keep the story brief but heres the history:
-Heat exchanger manifold leaking (other company try to repair) they fail
-I get call to boiler as breakdown find heat exchange manifold leaking (and from experience realise only way to stop leak is to replace heat excanger as face on manifold usually corroded. criminal on 4-6 yr old boilers!!)
-I find the leak is dripping onto PCB and has popped the board (PCB is mounted horizontally under airbox as opposed to the Solo where it is mounted on the side
-I also notice the gauze on the burner is completely shot. And spack electrode gone (prob due to irregular flame due to burner damage)
-So basically now we are looking at new PCB, new Electrodes, new burner and new heat exchanger. A sick state for a 4 year old boiler. And IMO worth swapping the boiler for something with less reliability issues but customer has no money.
-We come to the agreement that I would replace everything except the heat exchanger as the leak is managable at the moment and the PCB can be left unmounted and supported out the way with the case of the boiler off and I would return in a month to sort the rest when customer has more money
-I get a call today from customer saying boiler stopped working and banging from inside. I am shocked at what I see -Flames coming from the venturi on the fan. Mini explosions from venturi and inside combustion chamber. I take the door of the chamber off and see the gauze has now failed again on the new burner (NOT CHEAP!?) I suspect the force of the explosions has burst the gauze on burner
-WTF is going on. I spoke to baxi technical (a senior engineer apparently) and he advises its an issue with ingition probes. I tell him they are new and He says there is a leak on the ignition circuit (I have tested the leads and they are all fine. The Earth is also good connection. The guy then tells me he doesnt know and hasnt got a clue?! He then puts me through to Heat team who try to force sell a breakdown cover at £28 plus a month and still want to charge call out fee and charge to resolve boiler! I tell them to do one.
Has anyone got any ideas? From what I can see the flue seems fine (the boiler is in a loft and accesibility to terminal is not easy) The only thing I can think is that the back section of heat exchanger is not clear so gas purged from valve is building up in heat exchanger and then being ignited and force back out through venturi in fan? Feasible?
I hadnt stripped the bottom of the heat exchanger off to gain access to back section of heat exchanger flueways because I ran out of time. the condense trap is also worryingly full of shrapnel
What a state of affairs for a 4 year old boiler
Il try and keep the story brief but heres the history:
-Heat exchanger manifold leaking (other company try to repair) they fail
-I get call to boiler as breakdown find heat exchange manifold leaking (and from experience realise only way to stop leak is to replace heat excanger as face on manifold usually corroded. criminal on 4-6 yr old boilers!!)
-I find the leak is dripping onto PCB and has popped the board (PCB is mounted horizontally under airbox as opposed to the Solo where it is mounted on the side
-I also notice the gauze on the burner is completely shot. And spack electrode gone (prob due to irregular flame due to burner damage)
-So basically now we are looking at new PCB, new Electrodes, new burner and new heat exchanger. A sick state for a 4 year old boiler. And IMO worth swapping the boiler for something with less reliability issues but customer has no money.
-We come to the agreement that I would replace everything except the heat exchanger as the leak is managable at the moment and the PCB can be left unmounted and supported out the way with the case of the boiler off and I would return in a month to sort the rest when customer has more money
-I get a call today from customer saying boiler stopped working and banging from inside. I am shocked at what I see -Flames coming from the venturi on the fan. Mini explosions from venturi and inside combustion chamber. I take the door of the chamber off and see the gauze has now failed again on the new burner (NOT CHEAP!?) I suspect the force of the explosions has burst the gauze on burner
-WTF is going on. I spoke to baxi technical (a senior engineer apparently) and he advises its an issue with ingition probes. I tell him they are new and He says there is a leak on the ignition circuit (I have tested the leads and they are all fine. The Earth is also good connection. The guy then tells me he doesnt know and hasnt got a clue?! He then puts me through to Heat team who try to force sell a breakdown cover at £28 plus a month and still want to charge call out fee and charge to resolve boiler! I tell them to do one.
Has anyone got any ideas? From what I can see the flue seems fine (the boiler is in a loft and accesibility to terminal is not easy) The only thing I can think is that the back section of heat exchanger is not clear so gas purged from valve is building up in heat exchanger and then being ignited and force back out through venturi in fan? Feasible?
I hadnt stripped the bottom of the heat exchanger off to gain access to back section of heat exchanger flueways because I ran out of time. the condense trap is also worryingly full of shrapnel
What a state of affairs for a 4 year old boiler