Before the barrage of abuse begins, I'm not working as a plumber. Chance'd be a fine thing. I am actually looking for work as a plumbers mate as it happens (with zero success) but am NOT working as a plumber on my own and wouldn't dream of doing so since I have no non-classroom experience.
This is a friend's mum's house and she asked me to have a go at a few things knowing that I'd done a fast-track course. The reasons being they seem relatively simple jobs and moreover I'll do it for free.
There's no nut fixing the tap to the sink unit. Nor does it look like there could be one added since the base of the tap body has no casing with a thread. It has no casing at all. The two flexi tap connectors just enter the base of the tap and there's nothing else to the body. It looks like the tap was held in position by the flexi-connectors being stretched taut to the copper pipe run which was clipped to the unit back. But since then the pipe clips have come out of the unit back, producing slack in the flexi-connectors and so the nut-less tap has come loose. The pipe work run was too far from the unit it was clipped to so it was bound to come loose eventually. And apparently it's been like it is now for years.
So firstly, to satisfy my curiosity, what is the deal with this tap? Missing something? Meant to be secured in this fashion?
And as for what to do, save for gluing it in position, I'm presuming the best thing to do is to install a new tap. Is this what you'd do?
And if yes, how would the proceedure go? Things to do first, check first. Only one side has a stopcock and there are no isolation valves anywhere on the runs. So would this have to be a drain-down job? How much of what's there would you get rid of and how much would you leave? The stop-cock felt too seized to turn by hand (had no tools on me at time so it might give with a bit of welly) and the fittings are pretty worn and scaled. And a proper job would no doubt involve getting the pipe work properly clipped back.
Thoughts please... Thank you.
This is a friend's mum's house and she asked me to have a go at a few things knowing that I'd done a fast-track course. The reasons being they seem relatively simple jobs and moreover I'll do it for free.
There's no nut fixing the tap to the sink unit. Nor does it look like there could be one added since the base of the tap body has no casing with a thread. It has no casing at all. The two flexi tap connectors just enter the base of the tap and there's nothing else to the body. It looks like the tap was held in position by the flexi-connectors being stretched taut to the copper pipe run which was clipped to the unit back. But since then the pipe clips have come out of the unit back, producing slack in the flexi-connectors and so the nut-less tap has come loose. The pipe work run was too far from the unit it was clipped to so it was bound to come loose eventually. And apparently it's been like it is now for years.
So firstly, to satisfy my curiosity, what is the deal with this tap? Missing something? Meant to be secured in this fashion?
And as for what to do, save for gluing it in position, I'm presuming the best thing to do is to install a new tap. Is this what you'd do?
And if yes, how would the proceedure go? Things to do first, check first. Only one side has a stopcock and there are no isolation valves anywhere on the runs. So would this have to be a drain-down job? How much of what's there would you get rid of and how much would you leave? The stop-cock felt too seized to turn by hand (had no tools on me at time so it might give with a bit of welly) and the fittings are pretty worn and scaled. And a proper job would no doubt involve getting the pipe work properly clipped back.
Thoughts please... Thank you.