Hi I'm Cam, late 20s and am currently on the NVQ level 2 C&G course with only a couple of months left to complete it.
I'm looking for a plumbing professional that could use a responsible and reliable plumbers hand around the Bath area. Having been in unsatisfying and monotonous employment my entire adult life, I chose a new direction and undertook the lv2 course to follow my ambition of plumbing.
I just want to get out there and start learning properly. I have worked a few jobs so far but want to advanceadvance
If you might either need a plumbers hand, or whether you just need a hand replacing a boiler for just a single day feel free to message me to talk. I don't mind giving my phone number to you for future jobs if everything is good.
I'm looking for a plumbing professional that could use a responsible and reliable plumbers hand around the Bath area. Having been in unsatisfying and monotonous employment my entire adult life, I chose a new direction and undertook the lv2 course to follow my ambition of plumbing.
I just want to get out there and start learning properly. I have worked a few jobs so far but want to advanceadvance
If you might either need a plumbers hand, or whether you just need a hand replacing a boiler for just a single day feel free to message me to talk. I don't mind giving my phone number to you for future jobs if everything is good.