Why is it that the service providers are soo useless when dealing with low pressure? I fitted a new combi for a customer over the weekend and fire it up and only getting 15mb at meter with the boiler and hob running. Call them out and the guy tries to blame the boiler saying it is too big, it is a 38cdi and its only the boiler and a 6.5kw hob on the gas. 28mm straight from the meter to the boiler and less than 1mb between. He then tests after the ECV and before the governor and still only has 15mb so calls in for a new main to be run in.
Over sunday and Monday they replaced the first 3m of the main in the road, not sure what size they upgraded to as I was not there. Someone came along today to test and said he was now getting 22mb working pressure at the meter. So I go back this evening to commission my newly fitted boiler only to find I still only have 15mb at the meter. Another guy came out and called me when he was there saying he was getting 21mb and there was no problem. I explain my readings and say how he will need to run the hot tap on the bath on full or put the boiler in to service mode to get a true reading. Get a call back to say he replaced the governor and the meter and then ran the bath and was getting 18 with just the boiler on but wouldn't test with the hob on as well. I was getting 17mb with the boiler alone, but dropped to 15 with the hob also in use. Now someone else is coming out tomorrow to have another look. This isn't the first time I have had issues with the main in the road being undersized due to too small a pipe being fed through the old steel pipework. It is a real pain in the arse. Last time I had a similar problem they just plain refused to upgrade the main even though I was only getting 16mb at the meter.
Over sunday and Monday they replaced the first 3m of the main in the road, not sure what size they upgraded to as I was not there. Someone came along today to test and said he was now getting 22mb working pressure at the meter. So I go back this evening to commission my newly fitted boiler only to find I still only have 15mb at the meter. Another guy came out and called me when he was there saying he was getting 21mb and there was no problem. I explain my readings and say how he will need to run the hot tap on the bath on full or put the boiler in to service mode to get a true reading. Get a call back to say he replaced the governor and the meter and then ran the bath and was getting 18 with just the boiler on but wouldn't test with the hob on as well. I was getting 17mb with the boiler alone, but dropped to 15 with the hob also in use. Now someone else is coming out tomorrow to have another look. This isn't the first time I have had issues with the main in the road being undersized due to too small a pipe being fed through the old steel pipework. It is a real pain in the arse. Last time I had a similar problem they just plain refused to upgrade the main even though I was only getting 16mb at the meter.