As you can see from the above pictures my mom and dads boiler is rubbish 🙂
Also as you can tell my dad is a typical builder who doesnt give a hoot about rules and regs and decided to box the boiler in so it was not accessible in the slightest. For the past year or so the boiler has been losing pressure, especillay when the heating is on. I assumed this was the expansion vessel, but obvioulsy wasn't able to check.
Yesterday, it wouldnt hold presure for any longer than an hour (even with the heating or DHW off)
As you can tell ive spent the best part of two hours removing the boxing around the boiler, it was screwed in place, then the screws filled over with poly filler or something then wall papered over. Its take ages to peel back sections of paper to find the screws.
Anyway, when I got the cover off I found a weep on the pump where you adjust the speed (i have one of these from when I was made redundant so thats a free fix!!!)
Also when I removed the EV I got about a litre or so of water out if the air side, I am assuming that this means the diaphragm is completely shot, when I had drained the water and refit the vessel I tried to pump it up but I could just hear the air entering the boiler and going into the kitchen rad.
So, I have a pump, I've ordered a PRV incase its damaged (it was only 8 quid) and as there are no EV's at any merchants (major or independant) BG are selling me one.
Once these are fit, do you guys think it will all be sweet? I dont do many repairs so would appreciate your advice and also I have never charged an EV and heard air entering a rad and it scared me to be honest!!
I look forward to your answers and the slating I expect you'll give my Dad (which he deserves!)